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[Guide]FAQs about Customizing


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Basic Customizing

1.My mouse is too sensitive, How do I change it?

While in-game click the ~ key to open the console and type sensitivity XX Replace the XX with your desired sensitivity level, Default is 3.


You can also edit the config.cfg located in your cstrike directory and modify the sensitivity value.


2.How do I use custom skins with steam?

Locate your Steam directory, usually C:\Program Files\Steam


Once you located the steam directory browse into:


    * C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[your email]\counter-strike\cstrike



Now look for the following directories:


    * models

    * sprites

    * sound



If you do not see them then manually create the directories listed above.


You should end up with:


    * C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[your email]\counter-strike\cstrike\models

    * C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[your email]\counter-strike\cstrike\sprites

    * C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\[your email]\counter-strike\cstrike\sound



Now you put your custom skins, sounds, etc .. into these directories. Steam will use the cusomized files on disk instead of the ones in the Steam cache file.


You should now be able to launch CS and see your custom content. Make sure to replace [your email] with the appropriate email address. Also note that not all custom skins are supported by Steam.


3.How do I change the mouse sensitivity?

While in-game click the ~ key to open the console, then type sensitivity xx Replace the xx with your desired sensitivity level, Default is 3.


To change the sensitivity level while not in-game, browse to your cstrike directory, find config.cfg and open it with notepad, search for sensitivity and edit its value. If you do not find it, then manually add it to the end of the file and save.

Advanced Customizing

4.How do I change the color of the chat text?

To change the color of the text while in-game click the ~ key to open the console and type con_color xxx xxx xxx replace xxx xxx xxx with RGB (Red, Green, Blue) scale colors, example con_color 255 255 255 would change the console text color to pure white.


To change the color while not in-game, open your config.cfg located in your cstrike directory and add the value to the end of the file, then save.


5.Quick Buys

With steam and cs1.6, a new concept is introduced... the ability to buy weapons using console names. This is great for anyone who wants to buy all their equipt in a keystroke.


The weapons, and their bind names:


Weapon name - Console command


Primary Ammo - "primammo"

Secondary Ammo - "secammo"


USP Pistol - "usp"

Desert Eagle- "deagle"

Glock - "glock"


IMI Galil - "galil"

FAMAS - "famas"

M4A1 - "m4a1"

AK47 - "ak47"


HE Gernade - "hegren"

Flash nade - "flash"

Smoke nade - "smoke"


Helmet/body armor - "vesthelm"

Body armor - "vest"


To help you understand how to use these, I'll give you an example of buying an M4A1, Primary ammo, body armor + helmet and a HE nade. Paste this line into your console, replace KEY with the keyboard key you want to use to buy stuff.


bind "KEY" "m4a1; primammo; vesthelm; hegren"


You can just add or remove things you dont want. Make sure to have a ; after the weapon names.

6.How do I create the "autoexec.cfg" file for CS:Source? (#42)

Open up this folder:


path:\\Steam\SteamApps\<steam_username>\counter-strike source\cstrike\cfg



Right-click anywhere in the folder, and go to "New" -> "Text Document". I recommend using Notepad or another plain text editor for editing these config files.


Open up the new text document and go to "File" -> "Save As".

Type in autoexec.cfg for the filename.


Once it's saved, it creates a new document called autoexec.cfg. This is where you will enter in your console commands. All the commands in this file will be executed everytime CS:Source starts.


7.How do I install a custom map?

If you've download a map from our site, the zip archive already contains the proper directory structure so all the files will be extracted correctly if you unzip the archive into your main game/root directory.


These are default paths to extract the zips:



C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<your account>\counter-strike


Counter-Strike: Source

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<your account>\counter-strike source


Counter-Strike: Czero

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<your account>\condition zero


Half-Life: 2 Deathmatch

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\<your account>\half-life 2 deathmatch


Extracting the zip into the directories above should properly move the map files into the correct directories, however, if you've downloaded maps from other websites then the map zip archive could be improperly structured, so you must manually move the files yourself in this case.


8."The system cannot find the file specified" error


Description of the Problem


Steam had a series of buggy SDK updates in December of 2005. Valve has since fixed the problems.


However, when Hammer is re-started after the fix, you might encounter this error message "The system cannot find the file specified."



Simply click on "Refresh SDK Content" from the Source SDK menu in Steam, and the problem should resolve the next time you start Hammer.


9.Is there a way to decompile a map?

There is, but there is a debate on whether it's an ethical thing to do. It's really looked down upon in the mapping community, but there are several map decompilers out there.


I have never used one myself, and I don't want to recommend them. Even though it's possible to decompile a map, the map itself is never the same after it gets decompiled. It's like resurrecting the dead. They don't come back as normal people anymore--they become zombies.


There are all sorts of problems that can result from map decompilation too. I don't even want to get started on those.


So, the bottom line is: "Just say no" to decompilation.


10.How can I make my own CS:S maps?

Read my mapping tutorials. Start with Configuring Hammer and Working with CS:S Console and follow it sequentially.


By the end of the Buyzones, Bombsites, and Hostages tutorial, you should be able to make a fully playable CS:S map.


Happy mapping.


Cvars and Commands

11.Joystick commands


joyadvanced 0 0 1 boolean joystick This enables the use of the advanced axes variables starting by joyadvaxisX where X is the axis letter.

joyadvaxisr 0 0 20 integer joystick Controls mapping of DirectInput axis R (typically joystick rudder).

It can be set to the following controls:


0 = Axis not used

1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement

2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)

3 = Axis is for side to side movement

4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)


Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.


This will not have any effect until joyadvanced is set to 1.0.

joyadvaxisu 0 0 20 integer joystick Controls mapping of DirectInput axis U (custom axis).

It can be set to the following controls:


0 = Axis not used

1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement

2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)

3 = Axis is for side to side movement

4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)


Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.

joyadvaxisv 0 0 20 integer joystick Controls mapping of DirectInput axis V (custom axis).

It can be set to the following controls:


0 = Axis not used

1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement

2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)

3 = Axis is for side to side movement

4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)


Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.

joyadvaxisx 0 0 20 integer joystick Controls mapping of DirectInput axis X (typically joystick left and right).

It can be set to the following controls:


0 = Axis not used

1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement

2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)

3 = Axis is for side to side movement

4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)


Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.


This will not have any effect until joyadvanced is set to 1.0.

joyadvaxisy 0 0 20 integer joystick Controls mapping of DirectInput axis Y (typically joystick forward and backward).

It can be set to the following controls:


0 = Axis not used

1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement

2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)

3 = Axis is for side to side movement

4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)


Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.


This will not have any effect until joyadvanced is set to 1.0.

joyadvaxisz 0 0 20 integer joystick Controls mapping of DirectInput axis Z (typically joystick throttle).

It can be set to the following controls:


0 = Axis not used

1 = Axis is for forward and backward movement

2 = Axis is for looking up and down (pitch)

3 = Axis is for side to side movement

4 = Axis is for turning left and right (yaw)


Additionally, it can be designated as an absolute axis (like a joystick) or a relative axis (like the FPgaming trackball or the WingMan Warrior SpinControl). Absolute axes are defined as having a stopping position whereas relative axes don't have a stopping position and just go around and around. To designate this axis as a relative axis, add 16 to the above control number.


This will not have any effect until joyadvanced is set to 1.0.

joyforwardsensitivity -1.0 float joystick Controls the ramp-up speed or how much joystick movement is required for moving "full speed" forward and backward.

joyforwardthreshold 0.15 float joystick Controls the dead-zone for moving forward and backward.

joypitchsensitivity 1.0 float joystick Controls the speed or ratio used when you look up and down.

joypitchthreshold 0.15 float joystick Controls the dead-zone for looking up and down.

joysidesensitivity -1.0 float joystick Controls the ramp-up speed or how much joystick movement is required for moving "full speed" side to side.

joysidethreshold 0.15 float joystick Controls the dead-zone for moving side to side.

joystick 0 0 1 boolean joystick Enables the use of a joystick.

joywwhack1 0 0 1 boolean joystick This is one of the two variables which enable special response curves tuned for the Logitech Wingman Warrior joystick.

When enabled, this fixes a centering problem.

joywwhack2 0 0 1 boolean joystick This is one of the two variables which enable special response curves tuned for the Logitech Wingman Warrior joystick.

When enabled, this fixes an "out of control" spin problem when using the joystick to turn or look left/right.

joyyawsensitivity -1 float joystick Controls the speed that or ratio used when you look left to right.

joyyawthreshold 0.15 float joystick Controls the dead-zone for looking left and right.

Credits: cstrike-planet

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