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fisiko DEN EINAI? afou to l2 einai tis ncsoft opote oti new bgeni prwta to  pernane oi official servers pou anikoune stin ncsoft xeka8arise to mialoudaki sou..

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Tack jin Kim (NCsoft President)


- NCsoft is now starting to develop Lineage III, and I believe that next month the Lineage III team will go to some important place in Europe to develop their ideas, so that it will be a great product. That’s one way for us to develop our games. Lineage III will be developed in Korea, but we are going to other countries to make the world enjoyable for worldwide game players.



-NCsoft representative Kim said, “It is true, I was shocked when we had to stop the development of Lineage 3 in May; However, we are going to start all over on January, 2008. We are going to put all of our online gaming technology we’ve earned through the past ten years into this project.” He then stated, they will NOT be using the Unreal 3 Engine, but creating their own.


The Lineage 3 Project will begin next year January 1st, and will be announced to the public in 2011.


To more details and discussions, Please visit Lineage 3 Source!


Thanks =)



of course it is copy paste but u dont even search on google about l3 :S

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Tack jin Kim (NCsoft President)


- NCsoft is now starting to develop Lineage III, and I believe that next month the Lineage III team will go to some important place in Europe to develop their ideas, so that it will be a great product. That’s one way for us to develop our games. Lineage III will be developed in Korea, but we are going to other countries to make the world enjoyable for worldwide game players.



-NCsoft representative Kim said, “It is true, I was shocked when we had to stop the development of Lineage 3 in May; However, we are going to start all over on January, 2008. We are going to put all of our online gaming technology we’ve earned through the past ten years into this project.” He then stated, they will NOT be using the Unreal 3 Engine, but creating their own.


The Lineage 3 Project will begin next year January 1st, and will be announced to the public in 2011.


To more details and discussions, Please visit Lineage 3 Source!


Thanks =)



of course it is copy paste but u dont even search on google about l3 :S

Κριμα,που ενω δημοσιευονταν νεα του L3 καθε 2 βδομαδες-μηνα εχουν να δημιοσηευθουν 2.5 χρονια
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Κάθε μήνα η ίδια ιστορία. Έρχεται ένας καινούργιος στο forum (ελλήνας πάντα) κλασσικός l2 HR παίχτης και πιστεύει οτί θα βγει Lineage3 στο 2011 γιατί τους έδειξαν μία μονταρισμένη φωτογραφία που έλεγε L3 (εντομεταξύ κάνει μπαμ οτί είναι FAKE)

Είμαστε στο 2010 δηλαδή ένα χρόνο πριν το 2011 δεν έχει ακουστεί τίποτα για το "l3" και έχετε ελπίδες οτι θα βγει ! όχι οτί παίρνει +2 χρόνια για να φτιαχτεί ένα παιχνίδι όχι !




Πιστεύω σε αυτό έχει δίκιο !


8a deite p meta to freya 8a mas petaksoun akoma ena new client


Ναι λογικό είναι αφού δεν έχουν βγει όλα τα κομμάτια της περιοχής Gracia και επίσης υπάρχουν ακόμα μερικοί δράκοι από την μυθολογία του L2  να βγουν στην επιφάνεια


l3 dn 8a bgi gt h nC soft ta paratise ixe stiriksi oles tis tis elpides sto AION kai apetixe exase pola leuta sige mn bgali kai l3


Εσύ είσαι τόσο έμπειρος με τόσες πολλές γνώσεις που από δω και περά όταν θέλουμε να λέμε γνώσεις θα λέμε Γνώση (ενικός) με συμβολισμό προς τον Δασόνε ! (ΤΜ)


gw pisteuw 8a bgi to 2011 wpos lene kai o protos server 8a eine o official kai logiko m akougete


o protos server me ta au8entika arxia tou l2 htan o official o protos epilogue server htan o official eime sigouros oti o official 8a eine




Tack jin Kim (NCsoft President)


- NCsoft is now starting to develop Lineage III, and I believe that next month the Lineage III team will go to some important place in Europe to develop their ideas, so that it will be a great product. That’s one way for us to develop our games. Lineage III will be developed in Korea, but we are going to other countries to make the world enjoyable for worldwide game players.



-NCsoft representative Kim said, “It is true, I was shocked when we had to stop the development of Lineage 3 in May; However, we are going to start all over on January, 2008. We are going to put all of our online gaming technology we’ve earned through the past ten years into this project.” He then stated, they will NOT be using the Unreal 3 Engine, but creating their own.


The Lineage 3 Project will begin next year January 1st, and will be announced to the public in 2011.


To more details and discussions, Please visit Lineage 3 Source!


Thanks =)



of course it is copy paste but u dont even search on google about l3 :S


Τι κρίμα που αυτή η ανάρτηση υπάρχει εδώ και 3 χρόνια και δεν λέει οτί ο Head Developer τα παράτησε και πήγε έφτιαξε την Bluehole φυσικα με μερικά beta αρχεία του "l3" :/

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Lineage ]I[ δε θα βγει.


Όχι άλλα αποτυχημένα topics γαμώ το κέρατο. Πόσες μαλακίες να χωρέσει πια αυτό το Section?

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Lineage ]I[ δε θα βγει.


Όχι άλλα αποτυχημένα topics γαμώ το κέρατο. Πόσες μαλακίες να χωρέσει πια αυτό το Section?

για αυτό υπάρχουν άπειρα νούμερα..


όσο για το λ3, συμφωνώ με φοίνικα.

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egw nmz pos t L3 dn 8a ine tpt spoudeo 8a ine aplos ena update t Epilogue



Εγώ πάλι νομίζω ότι απλά μαζεύεις ποστ.


Αν το L3 είναι Update του Epilogue το Freya τι είναι?

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egw nmz pos t L3 dn 8a ine tpt spoudeo 8a ine aplos ena update t Epilogue


Σε ειχα για IQ>50 αλλα τελικα εκανα λαθος

Και,αν θελετε να ξερετε,αν βγει L3(που δεν)δεν θα εχει ΚΑΜΙΑ σχεση με το L2

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Σε ειχα για IQ>50 αλλα τελικα εκανα λαθος

Και,αν θελετε να ξερετε,αν βγει L3(που δεν)δεν θα εχει ΚΑΜΙΑ σχεση με το L2


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το l3 πιστευω θα εχει πολλα εντυπωσιακα πραγματα ...

Αλλα και παλι δεν πιστευω να ξοδεψω πανω απο 2 ωρες μεσα σε σερβερ

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Oloi theloun na bgei to L3 alla logika kai kata (90%) den tha bgei to 2011. Tha ithela na do to L3 kai na to paikso alla gia na bgei to 2011 poly diskolo . Pantos yparxoun elpides na bgei to 2012/2013 Kai makari na bgei. Ayto pou lete gia to AION poly megali patata tis NCSOFT... Ti na po kalytera na min ebgaze tpt.

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    • let me introduce you to 2024, the server now must have at least 12G RAM for geodata and bots, because there is no more than 1000 players in total in the whole world to play this game, so people now load bots, pay about 500-1000$ and expect donations from the bots.
    • the only part i disagree strongly is this, so i come on you, i pay you and i order something, you give me something broken, now you want to keep some of the money for what? and we are not talking about something delivered and working imagine that you didnt even install it, files send and good luck i dont know you   Where did i say you sell images instead of websites? you sell "Designs" without functionality to many people. I will not open your website that btw sucks.   so your client is ready to open the server now right?   its your client's fault. we KNOW!   loading delusion 20% loading delusion 40% loading delusion 60% loading delusion 80% 100% delusion has exceeded reallity limits
    • I'm asking about the process of exporting the textures and re-importing them. What tool do you use? l2tool? do you use unrealed? are you exporting the texture and re-importing it somewhere else, or moving it from assassin utx to your utx? i suggest you to download the l2editor i shared on this forum, open the assassin utx file, right click the texture > properties, and check the Split9 values. You need to apply those to the texture in your utx file
    • It's misleading to say there was "poor communication" between both parties when it's evident from the main post that the guy stopped responding for several weeks, if not months. Then, out of nowhere, he started using the infamous "Tomorrow all is installed" line for the next months, forgot to mention that was said in this post that Mr. Unsimple deleted everyone he was in contact with and vanished from all project-related groups. After this, do you still think it's a "both parties" communication issue? How can you be expected to communicate with someone who not only cuts off contact but also ignores all client requests and gives minimum 30 false deadlines that not even today 1st of September the project is EVEN CLOSE to be completed. @unsimple  It’s easy to take a few screenshots and make yourself look productive, but there’s no real functionality behind them. Interestingly, there's complete silence from this guy regarding the wiki I mentioned. I thought everything was supposed to be finished? It's pathetic that even in the screenshots he posted to defend himself and appear legitimate, the work still looks unfinished. He just copied the template from L2 Central and tried to pass it off as his own work for the wiki. Even in the screenshots, everything is wrong it’s not just a copy, it’s a poorly done one. How pathetic is that? Even the monster that you showed doesn't exist....   Clearly, the work isn’t done. It’s obvious you’re rushing through things just to have something to show and to pretend you’ve "completed the order." It’s also clear you’re not asking your client for the necessary information to actually finish this project. Since you refuse to communicate with anyone, how do you plan on completing it? Let me guess—you won’t. You’re just pretending to be nice, but if you come across as an ignorant asshole in public, I can only imagine what it’s like working with you in private.   I’ve heard you used to tell your clients, "We will make any changes until you feel 100% satisfied with our work." How are you going to do that if you refuse to talk? It’s also amusing that you’re trying to play the victim when you’re supposed to be a professional. No one would have an issue with you if you actually did the work you were paid for. But let me guess, you haven’t. Not only have you failed to deliver, but you’ve also ignored your clients and completely refused to offer any kind of refund. You promised to deliver the fully completed project within 30 to 50 days, yet here we are, 6 or 7 months later or even more at this point and the work isn’t even close to being done (not even the simple features). Now, you’re avoiding communication entirely with the clients that contacted and paid you, so if there’s something the client doesn’t like, it won’t even be changed. Your famous promise of "until you are fully satisfied" is clearly just another lie. Everyone here knows how scammers operate: they’re all very nice until the conversation turns to money. That’s when we see their true colors just like we’re seeing with you.   After all of this the false promises, the way he talks, the attitude, the poor communication, and the lack of skill in completing anything who would even want to communicate with this guy?   Imagine trying to take someone seriously who gave you 20 different deadlines, delayed your product by 7 months, and even now, after all that waiting, comes to the forum claiming everything is complete only to show uncompleted screenshots. This is unbelievable .Just imagine that your work depends on this guy. He delays your project by 7 months and is shameless enough, when asked for a refund or compensation, to dismiss it as a 'slight' delay and claim that everything is done after that, the first screenshot he uses to "prove his work" shows a "wiki" for a CLASSIC SERVER with Sylphs and some Kima monster with fake drops that don’t exist in any chronicle of this game. This is beyond outrageous. If the screenshots he showed look pathetic and clearly not completed, just imagine the rest that he's not showing...
    • Basically just replace the images one with another.   before https://prnt.sc/dpIS123hiucg   after https://prnt.sc/6alBvjk62x7q   xdata https://prnt.sc/U2cJPU6qP-bP https://prnt.sc/YmOEouV7hb8u
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