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Otan trexo to Database Installer m vgazei dn itan dinati i eyrisi tou kathorismenoun arxeio...se ola ta vimata

kai dn ginete to install...kapoios na me voithisei mporei?


Akou logika prepei na exeis egkatasthsei to MySQL kai logika einai sto C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL x.x\bin    "x.x"=to version as poume 5.0 i 4.1 .... meta pas C:/server/tools/database installer.bat to anoigeis me notepad kai s leei mysqlbinpath kai bazeis to parapanw pou sou edwsa kai prepei na deis an to pass p exeis einai swsto .. dld sto navicat kai sta config folders! GL!


elpizw na exeis mia ekdosi tou MySQL Server egatestimenh ston disko, ean oxi katevase mia(protimoteri 5.0).

Pigaine sto database installer kai pata deksi click>Epeksergasia kai kapu leei mysqlbinpath= (kapws etsi...dn 8ymamai)

meta to "=" vale "C:/Program Files/MySQL/MySQL Server 5.0/bin"(ean exeis kapoia alli ekdosi px tin 4.0 vale anti gia 5.0, 4.0)



vlepe post tou vent00za(twra to eida^^)

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