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yep administrator is ... moderator of this forum dont want me to finish ...


btw next time when you will advertise you'r server in my forum i will pay serk to close you'r server . GL

Serk isn't that good, He just can hack l2j kiddo servers

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btw next time when you will advertise you'r server in my forum i will pay serk to close you'r server . GL

omg I had an ice cube in my mouth when I read this and then I laughed so hard I swallowed it and nearly choked omfg


wtf is wrong with the kids on this forum?! I WILL PAY SERK TO CLOSE YOU SERBAR



Serk made a shell booter, do you even know what one is?

All it does is take a very small list of very insignificant underpowered shells which any skid with an internet connection can root(and has) with a RFI exploit and attempts to ddos with them...


Any decent datacenter will filter the retardedly small ddos attempt anyway, not to mention the fact all you have to do is take the IP address of each shell and report to their host and they will find and remove the offending shells in no time at all.



Pathetic. Only word that can describe this idiocracy(google it, I know its not a word.).

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omg I had an ice cube in my mouth when I read this and then I laughed so hard I swallowed it and nearly choked omfg


wtf is wrong with the kids on this forum?! I WILL PAY SERK TO CLOSE YOU SERBAR



Serk made a shell booter, do you even know what one is?

All it does is take a very small list of very insignificant underpowered shells which any skid with an internet connection can root(and has) with a RFI exploit and attempts to ddos with them...


Any decent datacenter will filter the retardedly small ddos attempt anyway, not to mention the fact all you have to do is take the IP address of each shell and report to their host and they will find and remove the offending shells in no time at all.



Pathetic. Only word that can describe this idiocracy(google it, I know its not a word.).

Uau... I just pi mysef

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Server failed....


After two days one noob player who be made forum Moderator delete all topics and announce :


Server failer ,cant find a pc to host ,find an other server.


Lol ....the biggest Epic fail i have ever seen.



Plz close this topic....Server failed.

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