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Official Tournament? hmm


I don't wanna start something bad here but have you the permission by maxtor to do this? Is he informed?

If not, is not official then!


its more attractive :P

anyway i remove it xD

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Lvl 24

138 wins / 126 loses

Champs; Xin Zhao - Master Yi



and as soon as i get 400 adenas :P

i send you xD


























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seriously u expect us to play with random tards? and we will have one of each "Gender" in our team? so i will play with a newb? and a low newbie? that seriously mentaly retarded.


and im 30 lvls in na and 21 in eu witch 1 will count?

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seriously u expect us to play with random tards? and we will have one of each "Gender" in our team? so i will play with a newb? and a low newbie? that seriously mentaly retarded.


and im 30 lvls in na and 21 in eu witch 1 will count?

we talk about EU..
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seriously u expect us to play with random tards? and we will have one of each "Gender" in our team? so i will play with a newb? and a low newbie? that seriously mentaly retarded.


and im 30 lvls in na and 21 in eu witch 1 will count?

too much ego, sry for the off topic.

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too much ego, sry for the off topic.

yes my ego is in the highest lvl Prob with that? gtfo now i wans a serious answer.


plus u fail on the organization so much.


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we talk about EU..


seriously u expect us to play with random tards? and we will have one of each "Gender" in our team? so i will play with a newb? and a low newbie? that seriously mentaly retarded.


and im 30 lvls in na and 21 in eu witch 1 will count?


would you like the previous teams like:


in one team?

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would you like the previous teams like:


in one team?

HELL NO 2 newbies?.


Darkslayer/aecetia/phoenix/adaresh/anima sounds proer :).


and ofc yes i want my premade team i wont play with 4 tards i dont evne know that they dont even use skype and ill have to type every 2 mins cuase they are dumb .


what? i told u im 21 lvl but im 30 as well u cant really know in what team i would be.

neither if im 30 u can know i know people like gregor that sux so bad and they are 30 lvls .

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Thats why we call it mxc tournament, its being made for fun and only for fun. I would like to come with my friends too, but i wont.

my friends will be from mxc np lmao.

what im trying to explain is U CANT Fucking play with a random team.

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