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After a small discussion with weird situation we decided to (Try atleast)host the MAXCHEATERS LEAGUE OF LEGENDS TOURNAMENT.



1)cause some ppl were crying with quotes like:what a racism,non vips will not join?the reply is:

"You can join even if you are not donator/vip,but you must pay the fee of 400 adena" (which means you must sent adena

in order to join,which will be the reward for the winners)

2)You must write down your level and your Wins (this will declare in which group you gonna be...)

3)If you Leave there is no second chance or whatever,just the team will not play 5 v 5 and a bot/friend

char should stay in spawn afking just to start the match (cause in the previous tournaments were not matches

cause there were not 5 v 5 but 2 v 3 or 1 v 4 etc...)



1)Draw will be through webcam video which will be the players divided in 5 groups

strong,less strong,medium,lowbies,more lowbies.Each team will have one of all the groups

2)All the members will be classified like:

Most wins

(if draw on most wins,biggest lvl)

(if draw on winsand biggest lvl,the less left matches)

3)The champions will be chosen 1 hour before the match so there won't be a champ change for example\

(in case someone takes another non registered champ,the teams takes a DQ)

4)About web draw:i will do it (personally) champions league like :P

i will write the names,i will have the cam to suffle them etc...so that the teams will be

5)The matches will be under discussion by now.

the options are:

1)Same teams,in 2 wins

2)different teams each match the loser leaves.



You can start registering here,by PAYING WEIRD SITUATION,He will ask later or when the draw

is going to be your lvls and wins (through photos or friend profile view)


Pay here


Registered people list:

1)Weird situation




5)Sinaya (Golden Sponsor)






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WeirdSituation has sent you Adenas: 400

Rozdex has sent you Adenas: 400.

FiGhTeRBosS has sent you Adenas: 400.

Gregor has sent you Adenas: 400.

Sinaya has sent you Adenas: 3000.

◦Cobra◦ has sent you Adenas: 400.

Chucky has sent you Adenas: 400.

LauQ has sent you Adenas: 400.

unqART has sent you Adenas: 400.

RєVєnGeR^ has sent you Adenas: 400.

Nosti21 has sent you Adenas: 400.

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add me

i dont remember exaclty the number ofmy wins

ists about 200




write the link in which we can pay


when we will be ready we will ask for screenshots.


kk you are right

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forgot it <.<

Level 13: (im 12 right now but i will definitely go 13.)

Wins 28: (but not that im thinking it, thats not standard, im going to play many matches till tournament starts

Champion: My beloved mr. now you see me now you dont, Shaco!

Record: 27/4/5

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forgot it <.<

Level 13: (im 12 right now but i will definitely go 13.)

Wins 28: (but not that im thinking it, thats not standard, im going to play many matches till tournament starts

Champion: My beloved mr. now you see me now you dont, Shaco!

Record: 27/4/5


not now.when the draw will take place you will be sure biggest lvl :P

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Official Tournament? hmm


I don't wanna start something bad here but have you the permission by maxtor to do this? Is he informed?

If not, is not official then!

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