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"LinkBucks 2010" (updated) Earn Monay just by sharing your links


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Hello am here to share with you a guide how to earn easy monay online (it works no like other ptc , i have been paid 3 times )

To start we press on the image to register


After we press signUp.gif

you will see a form like this



complite it and after go to your e-mail to activate your account


. after go to back to the site to log in .


after loging go to Create links page


width=1024 height=678http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/2723/screen04s.jpg[/img]


width=1024 height=762http://img255.imageshack.us/img255/8814/screen05f.jpg[/img]


that was all ! and now earn monay with just sharing your links!



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It says that the minimum payment request is 5$, how can you requested 2.72$? Oo

:P i didnt requested....

it is ref.l payment ;)

afiliate program if you want more proofs pm me

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i don't understand what links i must add there ?xD

whatever you want

for example you want to tell me to go to google.gr

you go to linksbucks and translate it as link bux link



like screen01td.jpg


and when i press it i go to the link you wanted to sent me  (and you take monay)

for example press this  http://1f3bb749.linkbucks.com

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