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Rules are meant to be broken.. at least some of them ... If everyone followed the rules some of you will still be regular members b/c you didnt report someone of braking the rules. and is not a church in here is a "cheating" forum you know a lot cheaters or hacker that follows the rules? They dont even follow the laws in real life... What you guys expect? At the end we will come only at sunday's to pray to saint cheaters... Thats all !

anyway,topic he posted says,FLAME EVEN IN A FRIEND=BAN

also,the fact he is ovenuc makes the ban easier

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Rules are meant to be broken..

Ban is used to keep those rules updated

and is not a church in here is a "cheating" forum you know a lot cheaters or hacker that follows the rules?

ohh let's start flaming each others by family now?! ???

They dont even follow the laws in real life...

ye and they end up in jail or without a life

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anyway,topic he posted says,FLAME EVEN IN A FRIEND=BAN

also,the fact he is ovenuc makes the ban easier


where do you know i am the ovenus? i told you again you cant see if i am the ovenus , or nor account ovenus is banned 7 months and more i think i have change 123918239821938219821938 ips you cant check that.

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dohh let's start flaming each others by family now?!

that's why it was suggested long time ago a flame thread/section.

that would keep other threads fair and clean. (also gost)

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Ban is used to keep those rules updatedohh let's start flaming each others by family now?! ???ye and they end up in jail or without a life

Why do you think most ppl in here have lifes? Their brain is connected with mxc and nothing else...Wake up  guys until the earth is destroyed the rules will always broke... And i did not say start swearing about family's.. If someone knows that you dont have a brother and he tell you fuck your brother. what you will tell him? you will punch him with out having a brother?
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that's why it was suggested long time ago a flame thread/section.

that would keep other threads fair and clean. (also gost)

and that's why it shouldn't be made

flame section doesn't give the right to retards to flame others by mother/family.

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come on now grisom lets find more useless things to ban me..


1st of all i never banned some one for calling a friend "x" way, but i remember the moderator who did (he is now demoted ;o)


2nd i'm not gonna ban you again, it was hard enough banning you the other times due to your relation with Maxtor, i'm not gonna waste my time now :-X





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1st of all i never banned some one for calling a friend "x" way, but i remember the moderator who did (he is now demoted ;o)


2nd i'm not gonna ban you again, it was hard enough banning you the other times due to your relation with Maxtor, i'm not gonna waste my time now :-X










Grisom i will tell you only that you dont know me i dont know you its just 1 monitor relax and have fun

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and that's why it shouldn't be made

flame section doesn't give the right to retards to flame others by mother/family.

flames are flames... noone can change that and you know it. There will always be flames on GOST unless someone bun them all. ah shit i remember something...
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flames are flames... noone can change that and you know it. There will always be flames on GOST unless someone bun them all. ah shit i remember something...

The guys at GOST never flame(px Magaki Phoenix me Nikoloudos Anima VaxiL Weird Abnormal etc)

the ones who flames are new retards that come to GOST and flame..every time they get banned

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that's why it was suggested long time ago a flame thread/section.

that would keep other threads fair and clean. (also gost)

http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=96344.0 this was an flaming topic ;P
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  (Read 277 times)      <=============== that is Mxc? for 1 member with 10 posts nice...

i have a doubt this brain belong to gekas

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