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Actually Steven you aren't playing alone on official so you dont see only how your skills work,and still you think from where information about Lineage2 are?I used to be Dev so i know how it looks,and to be honest Java emulator shouldn't been even called Lineage couse it will never give you that experience as Official Lineage.


Hmm so what if have small amount of posts you should be disrespectfull?And this topic isn't about you but About Server and i was talking about it.


About speaking with devs you saw that log from Live support its how this speaking with devs ends.


ps. I didn't said anything about ignoring,read carefully

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if you want to go deeper

as it is now lineage is lineage anymore :)

even official

get used to unbalance not of l2pvparea not of l2... just of everyday new changes new adds new new new for more dont continue here

and about ignoring i say you post your problems and emoqq here to me that i wasnt 1 did any mistake

go speak to admins/devs i did enough good to ppl listening in 123123 pm's petitions dont waste my time answering here too

this site adevertise the server not the problems

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You don't get my point steven im not talking about unbalance,because it was always in all chronicles(for example c4 necro and archers,c6 destro on fr,or magic critical that you could have almost 100%),but im saying that Java emulator can't be called Lineage(with new chronicles there are just more bugs and more difference to Official servers)

Steven i don't post here bugs or anyother stuff couse i did it on Pvparea forum. Im here to show other ppl how this server looks from mine perspective.


And Steven i respect that you are non-paid GM(or im wrong?)and you give your time to this server,i just wanted to show other players some major glitches that are present on PvPArea.


Thats all from me, Good Luck with this server and as i metioned on your forum, learn from your mistakes and mistakes of other servers just don't be dumb.


Over and out.

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these admins/gm's never failed not time to fail now ;)

and i say again stop with sh1ts of dev go open server

do your job and i get money or not not your buisness

and i didnt say for you the bugs etc.. i say for previous posts

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Himself have this attitude because of some sh1t that happend on many servers , not only here . I can say that here i had alot of support from gm , much more then on other servers . You are disapointed about some admin's mistakes that can happend , he made farming longer , but he tried to fix it , and he did it .. not like it was before , but he did it. So i'm asking myself .. why so much drama about this ? (if i skipped anything tell me cause i don't remember exactly what you wrote in that wall of text ,a page before)

edit : You said you  want to tell how you see server from your perspective .. why don't you make it in a simple post and then leave ?

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beleth working

new party farm zone with costum quest (evils)

pain of shilen/flame icon spirit of phoenix spirit of shilen stuck bugs fixed

steal divinity reuse increase from 20 to 40sec

Orfen drop and lvl/stats

soul crystals 14-16 added to pc bang section

fear/silence fixed


beleth ring add 12%

antharas connection with npc service manager

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who is admin for you?your friends from CZ dislike it because i didn't ban their provider YET

some of them used proxy etc... to increase votes and because of them we got warn in hopzone

better talk about that with your CZ friends and then come to give me -1 :)

have fun

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