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hey death you thing ppls are stupid to put here the complete pack<just keep it for own> here exist semicomplete packs

if you want complete pack make it own as every one here. other pack its for test or to work on it.


if you look the name of packs say "newbies" = for begines


thats all this packs need more work to be stable....


just you want open server with these packs????? lol


N O      C O M E N T (unuseless topic)

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lol this topic is unusefull ... anyway as Mordaneus say we wont share our full works here .. we share some work for newbies in order to see how it looks like to have an l2j server ... just lol man what are you waiting to share dude?? maybe the extreme serverpack or zeus or any other top server .... TOPIC LOCKED next time think b4 u post

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