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New Dupe Exploit!! (All Servers) by deMEV


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[Hidden post: You need 1000 posts or become a Donator or Platinum Member to see it. You currently have 8.]


Good luck for me to ever see that...


the founder wanted 1000 posts. And i think its fair...

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i still cant get the reson why you hide everything :/...I mean, make the forum private if you dont want anyone to see the stuff you post :/

i can explain you... money and users for his forum :)

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Yes i didnt try it, but thats the reasons why DRAGON server was down many times, trying to fix this , and admins had banned many people that DUPE  donators coins.. :-).


I will try in DRAGON with new chars...  :) 

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i still cant get the reson why you hide everything :/...I mean, make the forum private if you dont want anyone to see the stuff you post :/


Man , the reason is simple. PAY!!!!  If u have good times doing exploits found reading this forum ( like i do... ).Its not much money, just help to keep this forum alive.




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stop make spam pls, if you dont want banned , dont make spam.


its not spam, its a legit question, i tried this with any stackable item, i change the amount, the package size ... and always "cannot purchase".

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legally online 8 people can see this exploit =P not even maxtor has 1000 post =P


whoever has different color name than yours can see hidden texts...besides he is the ADMIN :o


except that somebody gives you a UNIQUE chance to obtain unlimited enchanted weapons in some servers and you all cry like miserables...gimme a break!!!


it is a unique exploit and gratz to that guy...(1000 posts means nothing...so plz stop being so crybabies :-\ :P )

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1st: Maxtor you'd better hide this post with another way :/


i'll keep that... We are just thrown away... even deMev doesn't have that post count...


Anyway, we'll reach it ...in some months.


Please demev change your mind... Do it 500 , or 580 or .. anything... 1000 is unreachable man...

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