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You guys think that range champions should take lifesteal items and have enought lifesteal?Ashe for example,my friend says they shouldnt,only melee and i disagree and i think they should have even more than melee champions.Really usefull especially to Ashe.What you think?

Ashe sucks...anyway even with lifesteal she can't survive for long
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Ashe sucks...anyway even with lifesteal she can't survive for long


Then try to play a tank with an Ashe at the enemy team. You'll feel the pain of being forced to tank their tank just because you cant reach their squishies ;P


Anyway, I always build a Bloodthirster, when I play Ashe after my Inifnity Edge...

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You cant escape from her=slow down,especially if you have like movement speed 2 or 3,a combination of big attack speed and of lifesteal would make you immortal.


That's what happens when you play against fail teams that focus on your tank. Ashe can die very easily if she gets CC'd, but deals huge damage. A glass cannon with great utility...

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Ashe sucks...anyway even with lifesteal she can't survive for long


tier 1 champ sucks!?!? she has free ward, she has a very good ulti for initiate with low cooldown and she has slow on her hits. so i don;t think that ashe sucks.... and about lifesteal yes ligfesteal is good at range champs. no all of the items with lifesteal but bloodthirster is a very good item for lifesteal for all the dps/carry champs.

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You guys think that range champions should take lifesteal items and have enought lifesteal?Ashe for example,my friend says they shouldnt,only melee and i disagree and i think they should have even more than melee champions.Really usefull especially to Ashe.What you think?

My friend always says, Ashe needs only two items: 3 boots (Boots of Switftness) and an Infinity edge. Most Ashe's then build Brutalizer. The rest of the build depends on your opponents.


You might want lifesteal if you need to fight against other ranged carries, like Miss fortune, Twitch, Tristana. Against Melee opponents you just have to kite (keep hitting them while walking away (or towards if they are fleeing), so they can't hit you because of your 3 boots and your slow arrows) or(/and) hide behind your tanks.


Conclusion: I agree with your mate; don't focus on lifesteal with ashe :)

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My friend always says, Ashe needs only two items: 3 boots (Boots of Switftness) and an Infinity edge. Most Ashe's then build Brutalizer. The rest of the build depends on your opponents.


You might want lifesteal if you need to fight against other ranged carries, like Miss fortune, Twitch, Tristana. Against Melee opponents you just have to kite (keep hitting them while walking away (or towards if they are fleeing), so they can't hit you because of your 3 boots and your slow arrows) or(/and) hide behind your tanks.


Conclusion: I agree with your mate; don't focus on lifesteal with ashe :)


Apart from that Ashe needs lifesteal because, in combination with her damage, she can get up to full health very fast. People need a full health Ashe when pushing, so that she will have time to break some towers if an strong dps enemy is respawning after an Ace, or an enemy gank is about to take place. But that's why she's got Hawkshot... She can see incoming ganks and tell if she's got time to do the job ;p

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Apart from that Ashe needs lifesteal because, in combination with her damage, she can get up to full health very fast. People need a full health Ashe when pushing, so that she will have time to break some towers if an strong dps enemy is respawning after an Ace, or an enemy gank is about to take place. But that's why she's got Hawkshot... She can see incoming ganks and tell if she's got time to do the job ;p

That i was actually doing. Today I decided to pick her. I got 5 turrets destroyed and a pro score too.



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That i was actually doing. Today I decided to pick her. I got 5 turrets destroyed and a pro score too.




Infinity Edges don't stack...

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