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First of all, ban johny4098.

It's sure that he is giving lekino karma continuously (the latest karma was for a share that was made 2 months ago and was a c/p) in order to get something from him, or just cus they're friends.

In other words: karma trades


Also fix Suffler's abuse and ban him.

His account has been stolen by an abuser (seems so) so he has fυcked up many things.



Fix lekino's karma to go back to -1; these shares are pure c/ps or useless stuff (like for example opening a .jpg image and saving it as .psd)

Ban Suffler for having a stolen account & multiabussing

Ban johny4098 for karma trades.


Thank you.


To make it clear

SuFFler is not real

it's a scammed account

so is john4098 so is Lekino now

the same person has them all


when he took leki's account,he put +3 karma to this


Ban all these accounts,or ban two of them and give Leki to real one

  On 8/17/2010 at 1:47 PM, Coyote™ said:

1. I am Coyote, neither Cayote nor Coyoto.

2. I don't care for who he is, I just want them banned for messing up with karma.

donot u want him banned for stealing ppl's accounts?

would you like someone steal the Account COYOTE change name and use it as his?i think no

  On 8/17/2010 at 1:47 PM, Coyote™ said:

1. I am Coyote, neither Cayote nor Coyoto.

2. I don't care for who he is, I just want them banned for messing up with karma.


[GR] Signomy gia to Coyote File kai eipa kai prin dn ta paw poly kala me ta aglika egw o adelfos m Mpwro na rwtiso kiwlas me to acaount tou real leki ti tha Gini?

  On 8/17/2010 at 1:47 PM, Coyote™ said:

1. I am Coyote, neither Cayote nor Coyoto.

2. I don't care for who he is, I just want them banned for messing up with karma.

Suffler is reported like 10 times at staff.

No idea why isn't banned yet.

  On 8/17/2010 at 1:48 PM, Finito said:

donot u want him banned for stealing ppl's accounts?

would you like someone steal the Account COYOTE change name and use it as his?i think no


I'm not so stupid to put as password 123, or share my account, or download shit.

If his IQ is too low to let him realise some stuff, then he does not deserve such a high rank in this forum.

He can cause more mess.

  On 8/17/2010 at 1:50 PM, Coyote™ said:

I'm not so stupid to put as password 123, or share my account, or download shit.

If his IQ is too low to let him realise some stuff, then he does not deserve such a high rank in this forum.

He can cause more mess.

i agree with you

he doesn't deserve to be given back his acc

at least ban it

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