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This script, in my opinion it's the best thing for a website, i just got it and works like a dream. I'm completely satisfied with it. Thank you embass.


Quite a bit of new updates added.

+ All skills and items up to Gracia Epilogue now supported.

+ Added as many missing icons as I could find.

+ Added clan skills on clan info page

+ Clan members on clan site are now order by Online status (it also says when they are online) and by name

+ Query optimizations for faster execution


+ Fixed bug when subclasses were not shown

+ Equipped items now no longer show up in inventory



Currently working on:

+ Active wars info (on clan info page)


+Detailed Castle information (linked from castle page).

++ It will tell who is signed for siege

++ During sieges: it will tell who is located on siege grounds (also displayed on clan page)


+ Raidboss map and list

+ Online player status map and list


+ Global item lookup

++You will search for "ring of baium" and it will show all players that have it in inventory or warehouse (good to identify scammers)


+ Configuration panel

++Admin will be able to use his password to show/hide certain parts of nwatch (privacy related).


+ New designs


I also changed policy regarding usage and licenses.

From now on anyone that contributes or helps out will be able to receive a working license, thus turning it into a share.



I would like to stress that Share means giving source files out, not only preview or other things such as these.

So in this case, change prefix either guys (such me) will have hope that you shared this ^^


Share does not mean giving a source out AT ALL!

It does not mean that in general terms, nor in "mxc" terms.



S: (n) sharing (using or enjoying something jointly with others)


Sharing is the joint use of a resource or space.


I have something, I'm sharing it with others.

So yes, It's a share ;)


Share does not mean giving a source out AT ALL!

It does not mean that in general terms, nor in "mxc" terms.



S: (n) sharing (using or enjoying something jointly with others)


Sharing is the joint use of a resource or space.


I have something, I'm sharing it with others.

So yes, It's a share ;)

Okay, in this case you are winner.


In this section you are able to Buy - Sell - Trade Chars,Items on every private Server you wish. In order to do that you have to include this at your


1) Subject Title:


(WTB) - Want to Buy etc..


(WTS) - Want to Sell etc..


(WTT) - Want to trade etc..

Maxtor rules,


instead of sharing it, sell me it for few €, just tell me how many you want for this uber pro nWatcher ^^


I wasn't the one placing it here.


In fact, I placed it in L2j develop (since its working on l2j), a mod then moved it to general discussion and now to marketplace.

Too much time on their hands I guess.


instead of sharing it, sell me it for few €, just tell me how many you want for this uber pro nWatcher ^^


If you want to activate it then use the contact info written in 1st post and reach me.


You can also wait for automated setup wizard though and do it completely on your own there.

It's almost done but it won't be out for a couple of days to make sure it is secure so if you want it right now -> reach me ;)




  • 2 weeks later...

Registration wizard is now live.


Coding was mostly done by Anarchy so I'd like to thank him for all the help he provided!


To register:

visit http://nwatch.me/register


Use one of the serials below:


Each serial can be used one time.


Design is still a bit sluggish so bare with that.


FAQ will be posted in a day or two.

Frontpage with more info updated as we speak.



  • 2 weeks later...

hello i did everythink "good" but still i have error


Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 110




Error SQL: Unknown column 'characters.charid' in 'field list'



top100 pvp is working .


This is shit.

http://nwatch.me/register <-- here in step 3, you are asked to write mysql username and password, which is just simple scaming, that informations can be easily readed by owner and everybody knows what happen when somebody know login/pass for mysql.


Anyway, L2Sublimity have all rights for nWatch, this one is just rip + scam.


This is shit.

http://nwatch.me/register <-- here in step 3, you are asked to write mysql username and password, which is just simple scaming, that informations can be easily readed by owner and everybody knows what happen when somebody know login/pass for mysql.


Anyway, L2Sublimity have all rights for nWatch, this one is just rip + scam.

You can create a new user in mysql with read only functionality.


This is shit.

http://nwatch.me/register <-- here in step 3, you are asked to write mysql username and password, which is just simple scaming, that informations can be easily readed by owner and everybody knows what happen when somebody know login/pass for mysql.


I wrote several times that admins should create READ ONLY username.

This way NO data could be insterted into database through nwatch due to lack of privileges.


Additionally, nwatch requires NO access to login database. It needs Gameserver only.


Even more, admins can block access to "account_name" column in table "characters" making sure nwatch has ZERO login information to their database.

To make it easy on "HOWTO" end I even wrote a guide for THIS EXACT REASON.



With this, any attempts to "steal" database would result in a corrupted and useless D.


There would be characters, but they wouldn't be linked to accounts.

There would be no accounts and no passwords.


Happy now?

Think before you speak shit. Thanks.



Anyway, L2Sublimity have all rights for nWatch, this one is just rip + scam.


Just like NCsoft has all the rights for Lineage and Microsoft has all the rights for Windows.

Yet it doesn't stop you one single bit from using it.


fuck off fanboy.

GOD I hate people with fucked up biased morals that don't make any sense.


If you don't like it, don't post.

I'm not doing this to get shit thrown at my face by the likes of you when it doesn't even hold any ground.


Those that like it will or actually DO use it, those that don't can troll off.


hello i did everythink "good" but still i have error


Lost connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system error: 110




Error SQL: Unknown column 'characters.charid' in 'field list'



top100 pvp is working .



Hello NoName1.

Can you tell me the name of your server so I can check?


first error usually occurs when you specify invalid mysql server OR when your own mysql server is bind to a localhost ip ( instead to all of the available ip's (only happens on linux).


Second error happens due to wrong configuration (on my end) due to incorrect chronicle.

I'm modifying registration wizard to include chronicle selection, but your config will have to be changed manually.


Anyway, tell me your server name (over pm if you'd like) and we'll correct this.


P.S. I'm writing a short FAQ with Q:A: page to provide a few basic Q and A such as this one.

Getting these same questions quite a lot ^^


Cool big replies, that mean only that you are guilty. Only guilty shithead try to defend yourself like you did. Comparing it to NCSoft and Microsoft? I will leave it without comment. You stole it from L2Sublimity and that's all.


Cool big replies, that mean only that you are guilty. Only guilty shithead try to defend yourself like you did. Comparing it to NCSoft and Microsoft? I will leave it without comment. You stole it from L2Sublimity and that's all.


THIS means YOU are a dickhead with an IQ lesser of that of my shoe.

Only shitheads such as yourself are unable to comprehend the content of my post and result to "shit, fuck, scammer!" first chance they get.


Bug off somewhere else Mr. cursing Jamaican thug playa wannabe.


THIS means YOU are a dickhead with an IQ lesser of that of my shoe.

Only shitheads such as yourself are unable to comprehend the content of my post and result to "shit, -beep-, scammer!" first chance they get.


Bug off somewhere else Mr. cursing Jamaican thug playa wannabe.

Grow up and face the truth Mr. Slovenian thief.
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