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L2 Elite

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btw i found one how you can go from toi 3 to toi 11 from walls without be a nobless.

that's not such a big deal.

It save you 3 floors of walking lol.


Anyway l2elite files are teh best for the c4 found out there.

Are files stolen by NCSoft at 2004 i guess.

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You're not looking hard enough.

There's plenty of working exploits on there.

As with all C4 servers.

there isn't anything like that on l2elite

1 ex-bug with AA is fixed 1 year ago or mabye more.


If you know any one you would post it.

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btw i found one how you can go from toi 3 to toi 11 from walls without be a nobless.

This is problem on geodata.... Dosmac ... start jailing  players for  3-4 days... but when he bored going that... he unjailed the half of the players.... i know that coz my friend char jailed too...

P.S This bug still work 100% on l2elite :D just try it :D

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i thought it was fixed

For 1 week it is bug,for the other it's normal

it's not such a pro bug to know

but was useful for noobs on l2elite who played there since 1 year and never become nobles. lawl

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