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please google it and read the meaning of racism :)


i say pure facts just look around here 70% of the greek users min are retarded and i dont said something that nobody knows guess why gr spam topic always closed...

Do you want to remember you that these 70% of Greek users are only the less of 1% of Greek community? Do you want to remember you that only for 2-3 guyz topics close all the time? But you dont think. You say only things that you see and you dont think them.
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Do you want to remember you that these 70% of Greek users are only the less of 1% of Greek community? Do you want to remember you that only for 2-3 guyz topics close all the time? But you dont think. You say only things that you see and you dont think them.


okay than take a look outside the forum


lets see your government: liers and spineless jerks


lets see the greek people: have more money / month than 5 hungarian family combined(because greece actually love to steal money and live from others money) and still cry for more


and there are lot of other things but its too ugly to tell(eg the guy who jumped into hes head from idk how high when it was obvious he cant land in other surface than the road) :D

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okay than take a look outside the forum


lets see your government: liers and spineless jerks


lets see the greek people: have more money / month than 5 hungarian family combined(because greece actually love to steal money and live from others money) and still cry for more


and there are lot of other things but its too ugly to tell(eg the guy who jumped into hes head from idk how high when it was obvious he cant land in other surface than the road) :D

You are racist. it was also a fact that these niggers that i posted their photos were gays but you didnt want to admit it and I was banned for that (though i confess i overreacted)... these were facts too but they were considered as racism.

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You just won GrisoM on your side :O


no actually i dont need to lick anyones ass and dont won grisom on my side i earn things and not with asslicking or money i did more for this forum than you can ever imagine


You are racist. it was also a fact that these niggers that i posted their photos were gays but you didnt want to admit it and I was banned for that (though i confess i overreacted)... these were facts too but they were considered as racism.


you still not able to understand the meaning of racism so please dont talk about something that you dont know shit about

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your ban reason is being a racist, or you dont remember what you wrote about black people?


also you flammed other users.


about your server, idk, i didnt locked your thread.

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