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[Share] Online Players Record

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Month ago I codded one system that will help me to see the records of online players that my server have.

Today I was thinking why should I keep it for me ?

Thats why Ive decided to share it with you :)


This system will place in your databace all records of online players and the dates of the record.

The table is named record and is looking like that:


Quick Preview:

30igy8w.jpg  53tnww.jpg

The Code:

Core Part -> http://pastebin.com/W3ZexAcj

DP Part -> http://pastebin.com/v0ZRurF9

Addon Part -> http://pastebin.com/sdmj2pt5

Credits - Me !


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Nice idea,never saw this before

Players can see it right ?

Keep sharing =)

ofc that they can see it


just amazing..hope it is really yours!

what prove you whant? :D

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You guys forgot about karma ? -.-

You give karma to staffers for a string and you don't give to users that really worth it. TARDS.


+1 Continue sharing your stuff and you'll get a sweet.

i think it's better to take karma from a staff cz it is just great share..karma from staff=more respect :o
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You guys forgot about karma ? -.-

You give karma to staffers for a string and you don't give to users that really worth it. TARDS.


+1 Continue sharing your stuff and you'll get a sweet.


Thanks for the karma man :)

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a voicedcommandhandler would be a good idea (:

edit:oh now I saw the addon part.nice share meng

its so eazy,you can do it alone oO.

Realtek very nice idea ^^,i had the idea to code it too,but i was to late xD

btw good job ^^

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