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Dont Drop ur Items From PK!!!

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This Is a copy of my topic to greek section which you can find here (http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=164843.0)


1st when you are pk and you are running away if someone huntings you...you open private store and put to sell anythink and sit fast down...when you do this if you being killed items wont drop cause when you open private store you cant drop,discard,echange items...also if in ur server cant open this window because you are in combat try to open it before u go for PK....!!!!!!!!!

gl   ;D

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I think ur items will be dropped but anyway... in my server even if  i open the privstore before entering combat I won't be able to click start for been in combat =/ dosn't work for me

If you open priv store and sit down no items would drop because u cant take items out of ur bag when opening piv store...try to open one in town and press to drop an item down in the floor while you are siting...it gone say (when opening priv store cant exchange,drop,trade,discard items)the same will say when they kill you from pk :)
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