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Hello Maxcheaters.i want to share guide about how to add custom SoE on L2j Epilogue.

Guide like this is already written by Stefoulis15 but on epilogue we need different way.

So Let's start.


1.Open Navicat.




2.Double-Click on your Connection




3.Right-Click on l2jdb and select console




4.Write there this and hit Enter


INSERT INTO `etcitem` VALUES (9999,'Custom SoE','','false','none',30,'stackable','paper','none',-1,-1,35000,0,'true','true','true','true','true','ItemSkills','2213-23;');


If Shows

Query OK, 1 row affected

All is well.


5.Go to /data/stats/skills Open 2200-2299.xml

Find this


<skill id="2213" levels="22" name="Escape - to X Town">

<table name="#teleCoords"> -84318,244579,-3730 46934,51467,-2977 9745,15606,-4574 -44836,-112524,-235 115113,-178212,-901 -80826,149775,-3043 -12678,122776,-3116 15670,142983,-2705 17836,170178,-3507 83400,147943,-3404 105918,109759,-3207 111409,219364,-3545 82956,53162,-1495 85348,16142,-3699 116819,76994,-2714 146331,25762,-2018 147928,-55273,-2734 43799,-47727,-798 87331,-142842,-1317 149864,-81062,-5618 108275,-53785,-2524 -117251,46771,360 </table>

<set name="itemConsumeCount" val="1" />

<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" />

<set name="hitTime" val="20000" />

<set name="staticHitTime" val="true" />

<set name="skillType" val="TELEPORT" />

<set name="teleCoords" val="#teleCoords" />

<set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" />



Change to this


<skill id="2213" levels="23" name="Escape - to X Town">

<table name="#teleCoords"> -84318,244579,-3730 46934,51467,-2977 9745,15606,-4574 -44836,-112524,-235 115113,-178212,-901 -80826,149775,-3043 -12678,122776,-3116 15670,142983,-2705 17836,170178,-3507 83400,147943,-3404 105918,109759,-3207 111409,219364,-3545 82956,53162,-1495 85348,16142,-3699 116819,76994,-2714 146331,25762,-2018 147928,-55273,-2734 43799,-47727,-798 87331,-142842,-1317 149864,-81062,-5618 108275,-53785,-2524 -117251,46771,360 x,y,z </table>

<set name="itemConsumeCount" val="1" />

<set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF" />

<set name="hitTime" val="20000" />

<set name="staticHitTime" val="true" />

<set name="skillType" val="TELEPORT" />

<set name="teleCoords" val="#teleCoords" />

<set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE" />


Change to your coordinats x,y,z

Save & Close

Restart Server.


Server Side Add it's Complete now let's Begin Client Side.


6.Download L2 FileEdit for Epilogue


7.Open L2 FileEdit. Cluck Open and decrypt. find and open itemname-e.dat. Go to the end of file and add this:


9999	Custom SoE		a,A magical scroll that relocates you to custom zone. Cannot be sold in shops.\0	-1	0	0						a,	0	0		a,	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	0	a,	1


Press Enter twice


Click to Save and encrypt. Select Header Version=413


8.Now open etcitemgrp.dat, Go to the end of file and add this:


2	9999	0	3	6	3	0	dropitems.drop_scroll_m00			dropitemstex.drop_scroll_t00				0	0	0	0	0	1	0	0	icon.etc_scroll_of_return_agit_i00					-1	120	18	0	0	0							1		1			1			ItemSound.itemdrop_scroll		2	1	0



Press Enter twice


Click to Save and encrypt. Select Header Version=413


And it's Finished :)


P.S if you have problem when adding SoE in itemname-e.dat and etcitemgrp.dat Download This


Credits for tutorial me :)

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