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I warned first and you send my this:

''I'm answering people's question? Your ego grown up aswell?''

if want to answering to people's question go in forum of that srv or via pm,not increase your posts there,if you want really to increase your posts do something useful for this forum.

Dude are you talking to me for incrasing my posts? Rofl get real i don't care for posts in this forum,if i did i could have 5k till now i'm member for year and half. Also the questions were asked here so i answered here,and don't even try to accuse me before you checked the other topics  ex-stickied with 50 pages of spams. (For example deathavenue's topic)

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Also rules do not state that you're allowed to double post here.



In this section all regular members can be a part of this community by reporting all abusing,spamming and illigal activity in maxcheaters.com. The only think you have to do is to make a topic (without post counting) and report us (mods-global mods-etc) with information about illigal activities in forum. A Moderator then will take all the necessary measurements and then lock the topic you made.




In this section you can report:


- Karma Abusing

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To avoid topics with the same subject, please use the user name wich you want to report in your title.


Example: Spammer in  L2 Exploits section: Raule, etc.










So you've broked them, clearly.

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not to protect any of you because i hate both of ya but Dariuse you are extremly stupid and with this you just fail harder please instead of play the mod take some english lesson...


you obviously abused your karma rights AGAIN after countless times

Man is not your problem.,
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Man is not your problem.,


its my problem since every legendary basically "riot" because of your extreme amount of stupidity...our membergroup sucks because of you and we dont did anything and you are here as uploader abusing your karma rights...you have enough IQ to see the problem?

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Man is not your problem.,

It's open community,everyone is able to express personal opinion. If it's not like that why the forum is even opened?

I've double posted several times here. Should I have been dekarmed? Goddess, cut the drama.


Don't worry, I'm sure your karma will be restored.

No rofl,you didn't got my idea,i was trying to prove the point he's wrong. He warned me and dekarmed me for same thing. And rules state that first warn than dekarma. And he warned me on 1 post and dekarma on the same. Also i didn't broke the rule,but i got dekarmed.

its my problem since every legendary basically "riot" because of your extreme amount of stupidity...our membergroup sucks because of you and we dont did anything and you are here as uploader abusing your karma rights...you have enough IQ to see the problem?

Fully supporting you for a first time.

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No rofl,you didn't got my idea,i was trying to prove the point he's wrong. He warned me and dekarmed me for same thing. And rules state that first warn than dekarma. And he warned me on 1 post and dekarma on the same. Also i didn't broke the rule,but i got dekarmed.

Ok, I see. As I said, I'm sure your karma will be restored.

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if dariuse was a PC his AI would be really complex


seriously the reason for the dekarma was clearly for personal reason/hate. the "bye" meant "ok leave the server" and the 140 meant "140 online players" she answered on a post above her.


take a break dude.





You've 2 karma,be patience i'll take and them soon ;)


you can see his rage over here , come on.

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Ok, I see. As I said, I'm sure your karma will be restored.

I hope and i hope he get punished at last,he's not good to be in the staff. And finally he found someone that have the guts to actually report his uber karma abuses. this gotta stop

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I hope and i hope he get punished at last,he's not good to be in the staff. And finally he found someone that have the guts to actually report his uber karma abuses. this gotta stop

I think he had been banned for karma abuses in the past (and as I see he continues).

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