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Leki rewarded with +1 karma for all his shares on this section and coz he helped lot of ppl at l2j dev help section.


Keep it up Leki, you're going good. From a spammer you're becoming a good helpful boy. ;)


Leki rewarded with +1 karma for all his shares on this section and coz he helped lot of ppl at l2j dev help section.


Keep it up Leki, you're going good. From a spammer you're becoming a good helpful boy. ;)

Thanks Erol


Updated 24/07/2010


Teleport Character to Giran(if have problems)

UPDATE characters SET x=83400 WHERE char_name="Char_Name";
UPDATE characters SET y=147943 WHERE char_name="Char_Name";
UPDATE characters SET z=-3404 WHERE char_name="Char_Name";



Updated 24/07/2010


Make all Items Sellable/dropable/tradeable/destroyable

UPDATE armor SET sellable="true";
UPDATE armor SET dropable="true";
UPDATE armor SET destroyable="true";
UPDATE armor SET tradeable="true";
UPDATE weapon SET sellable="true";
UPDATE weapon SET dropable="true";
UPDATE weapon SET destroyable="true";
UPDATE weapon SET tradeable="true";
UPDATE etcitem SET sellable="true";
UPDATE etcitem SET dropable="true";
UPDATE etcitem SET destroyable="true";
UPDATE etcitem SET tradeable="true";



Updated 30/07/2010


Replace with your gatekeeper all retail gatekeepers


UPDATE spawnlist SET npc_templateid="7777" WHERE npc_templateid IN (SELECT id FROM npc WHERE type="L2Teleporter" AND title="Gatekeeper");



Updated 31/07/2010


Change Characters name color when creating to yellow


ALTER TABLE characters ALTER name_color SET DEFAULT "FFFF00";


sorry not tested! please tell result



Updated 2/08/2010


Change Castle owne Clan Leader name color


UPDATE characters SET name_color="COLOR_CODE" WHERE obj_id IN (SELECT leader_id FROM clan_data WHERE hasCastle="Castle_ID");

Updated 24/07/2010


All Characters can Craft


UPDATE char_templates SET canCraft="1";

for what can be usefull all chars can craft? i use some others sql like nw armor and weapon , i want to make top d but the top d erase the orignal no grade and have to go to the shop if i put top d at start :(



Leki rewarded with +1 karma for all his shares on this section and coz he helped lot of ppl at l2j dev help section.


Keep it up Leki, you're going good. From a spammer you're becoming a good helpful boy. ;)


haha yes i know its my Brother :D From Georgia yes for a spammer are help Boy Good Job Leki bro :)

  • 2 months later...

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