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Hello Maxcheaters!

I'm Opening this topic because old one have reached 25000 characters and i can't add no more sql scripts...


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[sHARE] Usefull SQL scripts

[sHARE] Usefull SQL scripts V2

[sHARE] Usefull SQL scripts v3


Let's Start


Top-No Grade items on Newbie Character Spawn


REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, 'Human Fighter', 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, '1.1', '1.188', 9, 23, '1.1', '1.188', 8, '23.5', 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (18, 'Elf Fighter', 1, 36, 36, 35, 23, 14, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 345, 249, 36, 46, 36, 125, 73000, 45978, 41196, -3440, 0, '1.15', '1.242', '7.5', 24, '1.15', '1.242', '7.5', 23, 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (31, 'DE Fighter', 2, 41, 32, 34, 25, 12, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 342, 226, 35, 45, 35, 122, 69000, 28377, 10916, -4224, 0, '1.14', '1.2312', '7.5', 24, '1.14', '1.2312', 7, '23.5', 34, 26, 68, 4222, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (44,'Orc Fighter', 3, 40, 47, 26, 18, 12, 27, 4, 72, 2, 48, 318, 226, 31, 42, 31, 117, 87000, -58192, -113408, -650, 0, '1.06', '1.144800', 11.0, 28.0 ,1.06, '1.144800', 7.0, 27.0, 34, 26, 257, 0, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (53, 'Dwarf Fighter', 4, 39, 45, 29, 20, 10, 27, 4, 72, 3, 48, 327, 203, 33, 43, 33, 115, 83000, 108512, -174026, -400, 1, '1.09', '1.487196', 9, 18, '1.09', '1.487196', 5, 19, 34, 26, 87, 4222, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (10, 'Human Mage', 0, 22, 27, 21, 41, 20, 39, 2, 48, 7, 54, 303, 333, 28, 40, 28, 120, 62500, -90890, 248027, -3570, 0, '1.01', '0.87264', '7.5', '22.8', '1.01', '0.87264', '6.5', '22.5', 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (25, 'Elf Mage', 1, 21, 25, 24, 37, 23, 40, 2, 48, 6, 54, 312, 386, 30, 41, 30, 122, 62400, 46182, 41198, -3440, 0, '1.04', '0.89856', '7.5', 24, '1.04', '0.89856', '7.5', 23, 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (38, 'DE Mage', 2, 23, 24, 23, 44, 19, 37, 2, 48, 7, 53, 309, 316, 29, 41, 29, 122, 61000, 28295, 11063, -4224, 0, '1.14', '1.2312', '7.5', 24, '1.03', '0.88992', 7, '23.5', 1105, 1102, 177, 0, 5588);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (49, 'Orc Mage', 3, 27, 31, 24, 31, 15, 42, 2, 48, 4, 56, 312, 265, 30, 41, 30, 121, 68000, -56682, -113730, -690, 0, '1.04', '0.89856', 7, '27.5', '1.04', '0.89856', 8, '25.5', 1105, 1102, 257, 0, 5588);



Top-D Grade items on Newbie Character Spawn


REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, "Human Fighter", 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, "1.1", "1.188", 9, 23, "1.1", "1.188", 8, "23.5", 395, 2424, 2448, 417,225);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (18, "Elf Fighter", 1, 36, 36, 35, 23, 14, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 345, 249, 36, 46, 36, 125, 73000, 45978, 41196, -3440, 0, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 24, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 23, 395, 2424, 2448, 417,225);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (31, "DE Fighter", 2, 41, 32, 34, 25, 12, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 342, 226, 35, 45, 35, 122, 69000, 28377, 10916, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.14", "1.2312", 7, "23.5", 395, 2424, 2448, 417,225);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (44,'Orc Fighter', 3, 40, 47, 26, 18, 12, 27, 4, 72, 2, 48, 318, 226, 31, 42, 31, 117, 87000, -58192, -113408, -650, 0, "1.06", "1.144800", 11.0, 28.0,1.06, "1.144800", 7.0, 27.0, 395, 2424, 2448, 417, 2499);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (53, "Dwarf Fighter", 4, 39, 45, 29, 20, 10, 27, 4, 72, 3, 48, 327, 203, 33, 43, 33, 115, 83000, 1082426, -174026, -400, 1, "1.09", "1.487196", 9, 18, "1.09", "1.487196", 5, 19, 395, 2424, 2448, 417, 2499);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (10, "Human Mage", 0, 22, 27, 21, 41, 20, 39, 2, 48, 7, 54, 303, 333, 28, 40, 28, 120, 62500, -90890, 248027, -3570, 0, "1.01", "0.87264", "7.5", "22.8", "1.01", "0.87264", "6.5", "22.5", 437, 470, 2450, 2426, 188);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (25, "Elf Mage", 1, 21, 25, 24, 37, 23, 40, 2, 48, 6, 54, 312, 386, 30, 41, 30, 122, 62400, 46182, 41198, -3440, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 24, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 23, 437, 470, 2450, 2426, 188);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (38, "DE Mage", 2, 23, 24, 23, 44, 19, 37, 2, 48, 7, 53, 309, 316, 29, 41, 29, 122, 61000, 28295, 11063, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.03", "0.88992", 7, "23.5", 437, 470, 2450, 2426, 188);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (49, "Orc Mage", 3, 27, 31, 24, 31, 15, 42, 2, 48, 4, 56, 312, 265, 30, 41, 30, 121, 68000, -56682, -113730, -690, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", 7, "27.5", "1.04", "0.89856", 8, "25.5", 437, 470, 2450, 2426, 188);


Top-C Grade items on Newbie Character Spawn


REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, "Human Fighter", 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, "1.1", "1.188", 9, 23, "1.1", "1.188", 8, "23.5", 401, 2437, 2461, 499,6358);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (18, "Elf Fighter", 1, 36, 36, 35, 23, 14, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 345, 249, 36, 46, 36, 125, 73000, 45978, 41196, -3440, 0, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 24, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 23, 401, 2437, 2461, 499,6358);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (31, "DE Fighter", 2, 41, 32, 34, 25, 12, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 342, 226, 35, 45, 35, 122, 69000, 28377, 10916, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.14", "1.2312", 7, "23.5", 401, 2437, 2461, 499,6358);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (44,'Orc Fighter', 3, 40, 47, 26, 18, 12, 27, 4, 72, 2, 48, 318, 226, 31, 42, 31, 117, 87000, -58192, -113408, -650, 0, "1.06", "1.144800", 11.0, 28.0,1.06, "1.144800", 7.0, 27.0, 401, 2437, 2461, 499, 4710);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (53, "Dwarf Fighter", 4, 39, 45, 29, 20, 10, 27, 4, 72, 3, 48, 327, 203, 33, 43, 33, 115, 83000, 108471, -174026, -400, 1, "1.09", "1.487196", 9, 18, "1.09", "1.487196", 5, 19, 401, 2437, 2461, 499, 4710);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (10, "Human Mage", 0, 22, 27, 21, 41, 20, 39, 2, 48, 7, 54, 303, 333, 28, 40, 28, 120, 62500, -90890, 248027, -3570, 0, "1.01", "0.87264", "7.5", "22.8", "1.01", "0.87264", "6.5", "22.5", 2430, 2454, 439, 471, 6313);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (25, "Elf Mage", 1, 21, 25, 24, 37, 23, 40, 2, 48, 6, 54, 312, 386, 30, 41, 30, 122, 62400, 46182, 41198, -3440, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 24, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 23, 2430, 2454, 439, 471, 6313);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (38, "DE Mage", 2, 23, 24, 23, 44, 19, 37, 2, 48, 7, 53, 309, 316, 29, 41, 29, 122, 61000, 28295, 11063, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.03", "0.88992", 7, "23.5", 2430, 2454, 439, 471, 6313);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (49, "Orc Mage", 3, 27, 31, 24, 31, 15, 42, 2, 48, 4, 56, 312, 265, 30, 41, 30, 121, 68000, -56682, -113730, -690, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", 7, "27.5", "1.04", "0.89856", 8, "25.5", 2430, 2454, 439, 471, 6313);


Top-B Grade items on Newbie Character Spawn


REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, "Human Fighter", 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, "1.1", "1.188", 9, 23, "1.1", "1.188", 8, "23.5", 2392, 5739, 5723, 2417,6359);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (18, "Elf Fighter", 1, 36, 36, 35, 23, 14, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 345, 249, 36, 46, 36, 125, 73000, 45978, 41196, -3440, 0, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 24, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 23, 2392, 5739, 5723, 2417,6359);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (31, "DE Fighter", 2, 41, 32, 34, 25, 12, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 342, 226, 35, 45, 35, 122, 69000, 28377, 10916, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.14", "1.2312", 7, "23.5", 2392, 5739, 5723, 2417,6359);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (44,'Orc Fighter', 3, 40, 47, 26, 18, 12, 27, 4, 72, 2, 48, 318, 226, 31, 42, 31, 117, 87000, -58192, -113408, -650, 0, "1.06", "1.144800", 11.0, 28.0,1.06, "1.144800", 7.0, 27.0, 2392, 5739, 5723, 2417, 4719);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (53, "Dwarf Fighter", 4, 39, 45, 29, 20, 10, 27, 4, 72, 3, 48, 327, 203, 33, 43, 33, 115, 83000, 1082415, -174026, -400, 1, "1.09", "1.487196", 9, 18, "1.09", "1.487196", 5, 19, 2392, 5739, 5723, 2417, 4719);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (10, "Human Mage", 0, 22, 27, 21, 41, 20, 39, 2, 48, 7, 54, 303, 333, 28, 40, 28, 120, 62500, -90890, 248027, -3570, 0, "1.01", "0.87264", "7.5", "22.8", "1.01", "0.87264", "6.5", "22.5", 5732, 5716, 2406, 2415, 7722);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (25, "Elf Mage", 1, 21, 25, 24, 37, 23, 40, 2, 48, 6, 54, 312, 386, 30, 41, 30, 122, 62400, 46182, 41198, -3440, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 24, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 23, 5732, 5716, 2406, 2415, 7722);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (38, "DE Mage", 2, 23, 24, 23, 44, 19, 37, 2, 48, 7, 53, 309, 316, 29, 41, 29, 122, 61000, 28295, 11063, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.03", "0.88992", 7, "23.5", 5732, 5716, 2406, 2415, 7722);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (49, "Orc Mage", 3, 27, 31, 24, 31, 15, 42, 2, 48, 4, 56, 312, 265, 30, 41, 30, 121, 68000, -56682, -113730, -690, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", 7, "27.5", "1.04", "0.89856", 8, "25.5", 5732, 5716, 2406, 2415, 7722);


Top-A Grade items on Newbie Character Spawn


REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, "Human Fighter", 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, "1.1", "1.188", 9, 23, "1.1", "1.188", 8, "23.5", 2395, 5787, 5775, 2419,8682);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (18, "Elf Fighter", 1, 36, 36, 35, 23, 14, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 345, 249, 36, 46, 36, 125, 73000, 45978, 41196, -3440, 0, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 24, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 23, 2395, 5787, 5775, 2419,8682);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (31, "DE Fighter", 2, 41, 32, 34, 25, 12, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 342, 226, 35, 45, 35, 122, 69000, 28377, 10916, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.14", "1.2312", 7, "23.5", 2395, 5787, 5775, 2419,8682);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (44,'Orc Fighter', 3, 40, 47, 26, 18, 12, 27, 4, 72, 2, 48, 318, 226, 31, 42, 31, 117, 87000, -58192, -113408, -650, 0, "1.06", "1.144800", 11.0, 28.0,1.06, "1.144800", 7.0, 27.0, 2395, 5787, 5775, 2419, 8788);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (53, "Dwarf Fighter", 4, 39, 45, 29, 20, 10, 27, 4, 72, 3, 48, 327, 203, 33, 43, 33, 115, 83000, 108512, -174026, -400, 1, "1.09", "1.487196", 9, 18, "1.09", "1.487196", 5, 19, 2395, 5787, 5775, 2419, 8788);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (10, "Human Mage", 0, 22, 27, 21, 41, 20, 39, 2, 48, 7, 54, 303, 333, 28, 40, 28, 120, 62500, -90890, 248027, -3570, 0, "1.01", "0.87264", "7.5", "22.8", "1.01", "0.87264", "6.5", "22.5", 5779, 5767, 2407, 512, 5643);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (25, "Elf Mage", 1, 21, 25, 24, 37, 23, 40, 2, 48, 6, 54, 312, 386, 30, 41, 30, 122, 62400, 46182, 41198, -3440, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 24, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 23, 5779, 5767, 2407, 512, 5643);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (38, "DE Mage", 2, 23, 24, 23, 44, 19, 37, 2, 48, 7, 53, 309, 316, 29, 41, 29, 122, 61000, 28295, 11063, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.03", "0.88992", 7, "23.5", 5779, 5767, 2407, 512, 5643);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (49, "Orc Mage", 3, 27, 31, 24, 31, 15, 42, 2, 48, 4, 56, 312, 265, 30, 41, 30, 121, 68000, -56682, -113730, -690, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", 7, "27.5", "1.04", "0.89856", 8, "25.5", 5779, 5767, 2407, 512, 5643);


Top-S Grade items on Newbie Character Spawn


REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (0, "Human Fighter", 0, 40, 43, 30, 21, 11, 25, 4, 72, 3, 47, 330, 213, 33, 44, 33, 115, 81900, -71338, 258271, -3104, 0, "1.1", "1.188", 9, 23, "1.1", "1.188", 8, "23.5", 6379, 6381, 6380, 6382,6592);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (18, "Elf Fighter", 1, 36, 36, 35, 23, 14, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 345, 249, 36, 46, 36, 125, 73000, 45978, 41196, -3440, 0, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 24, "1.15", "1.242", "7.5", 23, 6379, 6381, 6380, 6382,6592);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (31, "DE Fighter", 2, 41, 32, 34, 25, 12, 26, 4, 72, 3, 47, 342, 226, 35, 45, 35, 122, 69000, 28377, 10916, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.14", "1.2312", 7, "23.5", 6379, 6381, 6380, 6382,6592);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (44,'Orc Fighter', 3, 40, 47, 26, 18, 12, 27, 4, 72, 2, 48, 318, 226, 31, 42, 31, 117, 87000, -58192, -113408, -650, 0, "1.06", "1.144800", 11.0, 28.0,1.06, "1.144800", 7.0, 27.0, 6379, 6381, 6380, 6382, 6583);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (53, "Dwarf Fighter", 4, 39, 45, 29, 20, 10, 27, 4, 72, 3, 48, 327, 203, 33, 43, 33, 115, 83000, 1086386, -174026, -400, 1, "1.09", "1.487196", 9, 18, "1.09", "1.487196", 5, 19, 6379, 6381, 6380, 6382, 6583);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (10, "Human Mage", 0, 22, 27, 21, 41, 20, 39, 2, 48, 7, 54, 303, 333, 28, 40, 28, 120, 62500, -90890, 248027, -3570, 0, "1.01", "0.87264", "7.5", "22.8", "1.01", "0.87264", "6.5", "22.5", 6385, 6384, 6383, 6386, 6608);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (25, "Elf Mage", 1, 21, 25, 24, 37, 23, 40, 2, 48, 6, 54, 312, 386, 30, 41, 30, 122, 62400, 46182, 41198, -3440, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 24, "1.04", "0.89856", "7.5", 23, 6385, 6384, 6383, 6386, 6608);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (38, "DE Mage", 2, 23, 24, 23, 44, 19, 37, 2, 48, 7, 53, 309, 316, 29, 41, 29, 122, 61000, 28295, 11063, -4224, 0, "1.14", "1.2312", "7.5", 24, "1.03", "0.88992", 7, "23.5", 6385, 6384, 6383, 6386, 6608);
REPLACE INTO char_templates VALUES (49, "Orc Mage", 3, 27, 31, 24, 31, 15, 42, 2, 48, 4, 56, 312, 265, 30, 41, 30, 121, 68000, -56682, -113730, -690, 0, "1.04", "0.89856", 7, "27.5", "1.04", "0.89856", 8, "25.5", 6385, 6384, 6383, 6386, 6608);


Replace All 75 Lvl And Upper lvl Mobs spawnlist With your Mob

UPDATE spawnlist SET `npc_templateid`="YOUR_MOB_ID" WHERE `npc_templateid` IN (SELECT id FROM npc WHERE type = 'L2Monster' and level <= '75');


Delete from items all weapons/armor/jewelery what is enchanted upper when +31

DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id IN (SELECT item_id FROM weapon) AND enchant_level <= "31";
DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id IN (SELECT item_id FROM armor) AND enchant_level <= "31";


Set all Weapons enchant to +25 of character that is in inventory

UPDATE items SET `enchant_level`="25" WHERE `owner_id` IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters WHERE `char_name`="CHARACTER_NAME") AND `loc`="INVENTORY" AND `item_id` IN (SELECT item_id FROM weapon);


Resurrect All Grand Bosses

UPDATE grandboss_data SET status="1";


Mobs No more will be Aggresive

UPDATE npc SET aggro="0" WHERE type="L2Monster";


Make all Items Sellable/dropable/tradeable/destroyable

UPDATE armor SET sellable="true";
UPDATE armor SET dropable="true";
UPDATE armor SET destroyable="true";
UPDATE armor SET tradeable="true";
UPDATE weapon SET sellable="true";
UPDATE weapon SET dropable="true";
UPDATE weapon SET destroyable="true";
UPDATE weapon SET tradeable="true";
UPDATE etcitem SET sellable="true";
UPDATE etcitem SET dropable="true";
UPDATE etcitem SET destroyable="true";
UPDATE etcitem SET tradeable="true";


All Characters can Craft


UPDATE char_templates SET canCraft="1";


Replace with your gatekeeper all retail gatekeepers


UPDATE spawnlist SET npc_templateid="7777" WHERE npc_templateid IN (SELECT id FROM npc WHERE type="L2Teleporter" AND title="Gatekeeper");


Change Castle owne Clan Leader name color


UPDATE characters SET name_color="COLOR_CODE" WHERE obj_id IN (SELECT leader_id FROM clan_data WHERE hasCastle="Castle_ID");


you want to know how many adenas is in your server?


SELECT item_id, SUM(count) FROM items WHERE item_id=57 GROUP BY item_id;


If Some1 have sql script and want to share just contact


Updated 21/07/2010


Replace All 75 Lvl And Upper lvl Mobs spawnlist With your Mob

UPDATE spawnlist SET `npc_templateid`="YOUR_MOB_ID" WHERE `npc_templateid` IN (SELECT id FROM npc WHERE type = 'L2Monster' and level <= '75');


Updated 22/07/2010


Delete from items all weapons/armor/jewelery what is enchanted upper when +31

DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id IN (SELECT item_id FROM weapon) AND enchant_level <= "31";
DELETE FROM items WHERE item_id IN (SELECT item_id FROM armor) AND enchant_level <= "31";


You can make sql for new char lvl??To have custom start level??If yes share it please!

no with sql script it's impossible... you can make with java code



Updated 22/07/2010


Set all Weapons enchant to +25 of character that is in inventory

UPDATE items SET `enchant_level`="25" WHERE `owner_id` IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters WHERE `char_name`="CHARACTER_NAME") AND `loc`="INVENTORY" AND `item_id` IN (SELECT item_id FROM weapon);



NOT TESTED! please post if it's working


Updated 22/07/2010


Set all Weapons enchant to +25 of character that is in inventory


NOT TESTED! please post if it's working


It's really 100% working dude ! :) I tested it ! Thanks Very great work !



If Anyone want to adapt this for armor use it.


UPDATE items SET `enchant_level`="25" WHERE `owner_id` IN (SELECT obj_Id FROM characters WHERE `char_name`="Character_Name") AND `loc`="INVENTORY" AND `item_id` IN (SELECT item_id FROM armor);


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    • Sure. This is the AbnormalStatusWnd.uc file with ability of removing buff with ALT + click https://pastebin.com/iVWpYysq
    • Hello, I add this code here https://maxcheaters.com/topic/248730-agathions-acis-401-does-not-interfere-with-summons-or-pets/.     but i have problem with agathion movement, agathion does not move when the player moves. The player must stop moving for Agathion to come close him.   i think the problem is here at < _followTask = ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Follow(this), 1000, 1000); >>       public void followToOwner()     {                  if (_followTask == null)             _followTask = ThreadPool.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Follow(this), 1000, 1000);                                  int rnd = Rnd.get(-30, +30);         SpawnLocation loc = _owner.getPosition();                          if (!checkIfInRange(1000, this, _owner))             teleport(_owner, 30);                  if (_owner.isMoving())             getAI().tryToFollow(_owner, false);         else         {             if (!checkIfInRange(75, this, _owner))                 getAI().tryToMoveTo(new Location(loc.getX()+rnd, loc.getY()+rnd, loc.getZ()), null);             else if (checkIfInRange(30, this, _owner))                 getAI().tryToIdle();                              if (Config.AGATHION_HEAL_OWNER && !getCast().isCastingNow())             {                 if (_owner.isInOlympiadMode() || _owner.isInDuel() || _owner.getPvpFlag() != 0 || _owner.isInsideZone(ZoneId.PVP) || _owner.getKarma() != 0)                     return;                                  if ((_owner.getStatus().getHpRatio() < Config.AGATHION_PERCENT_TO_HEAL))                     getAI().tryToCast(_owner, 1011, 18);             }             else if (!Config.AGATHION_ONLY_FOLLOW && Config.AGATHION_ALLOW_SOCIAL && !isMoving() && !getCast().isCastingNow())                 broadcastPacket(new SocialAction(this, 1));         }  
    • 🌟 EMERLAND.PW — Open Beta Testing Has Begun! 🎉 Friends! We are excited to announce that the Open Beta Testing of our Lineage 2 Interlude server, based on the new Classic client, has officially started! 🚀 📌 Key Information Server Rates: x50 New client, new possibilities Numerous improvements for a more comfortable gameplay We invite everyone to join the OBT, test the game, and help us make the server even better before the official launch! Your feedback and active participation are very important to us. 🎁 Participation Bonus! After the OBT ends, all active participants will receive a special bonus on their Master Account! 📅 Join now at EMERLAND.PW and become part of our project's history! 🔥 Server Rates Exp/SP: x50 Raid Exp/SP: x50 Adena: x25 Seal Stones: x5 Drop/Spoil: x5 Quest/Quest Adena: x1 RB Drop Rate: x5 Quest Item Drop Rate: x5 Siege Guard Drop Rate: x5 Clan Reputation Rate: x5 Mob Spawn Rate: x2 Manor Rate: x5 ⚙ Server Settings Auto-loot (disabled for bosses) Players with karma cannot use NPC shops Auto skill learning Subclass addition without quest (max. 10 subclasses) Warsmith & Overlord can be added as subclasses Elf & Dark Elf subclasses available for all Heroic skills remain when switching to a subclass Alternative protection for characters after teleport (Celestial Shield for 15 sec) Clan warehouse item withdrawal rights can be given to members, not just CL Catacomb teleportation for Adena Buff limit: 60 (duration: 60 min) Dance/Song limit: 24 (duration: 60 min) Enchanted items can be traded and sold Max enchant level: 20 Multiple character login from one account is allowed Two types of champion mobs: x10, x50 (Drop: 0.5% Gold Einhasad, 5% Silver Shilen) 🛍 In-Game Shop Gear up to B-Grade included Mana Potion, Mana Drug available for Adena Accessories, Costumes, Mounts, Belts, Cloaks – for Silver Shilen & Gold Einhasad (cosmetic only, no P2W) 💰 Main Server Currencies Silver Shilen – earned through events, champion mob drops, voting Gold Einhasad – obtained through server support, events, voting, champion mob drops 🏆 Game Commands .cfg — Game settings .exp — XP to next level .time — Server date & time .clan — Clan panel .relog — Quick relog .ping — Check ping .rb — Raid boss statistics .topclan — Clan rankings .whoiam — Character stats .rcm — Clan recall (CL only) ⚔ In-Game Events The server features 3 events: TvT, DM, CTF. 🔹 Rewards for participation & victories 🕒 Event Schedule (server time .time😞 TvT: 03:00, 08:00, 13:00, 16:00, 19:00, 22:00 DM: 04:00, 10:00, 14:00, 17:00, 20:00, 23:00 CTF: 06:00, 12:00, 15:00, 18:00, 21:00, 00:00 🤖 Auto-Farm Cost: 2 Silver Shilen/hour Limit: 24 hours Activation: .autofarm 🎟 Premium Account Premium boosts all rates x2. 1 day — 1 Gold Einhasad 7 days — 4 Gold Einhasad 30 days — 10 Gold Einhasad ⭐ Server Features Chronicles: Interlude Game Client: Classic Updated Core/Orfen stats (upgraded to level 3) Core Ring 2 lvl: +3% M. Atk, +1 MEN Core Ring 3 lvl: +6% M. Atk, +1 MEN, +1 WIT Orfen Earring 2 lvl: +3% P. Atk, +1 CON Orfen Earring 3 lvl: +6% P. Atk, +1 CON, +1 DEX New Skills Added: Spoilers — Festive Sweeper (AoE sweep) PP, EE, SE, BP — Might of Heaven (PvP skill) Horse Tamers — Hydro Blast (weakened power, 1 Cursed Bone) Cat Tamers — Prominence (weakened power, 1 Cursed Bone) Shadow Tamers — Hurricane (weakened power, 1 Cursed Bone) 🎮 Join us now at EMERLAND.PW and start your adventure today! 🚀
    • Price reduction for Google accounts from 6-12 months after registration - only 0.3157$ each. Top up with Gmail accounts with activated 2FA - 0.3507$ each!
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