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[EN] Dreams.


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Intrepid is jelous coz he never saw any dream, muahahaha. :D


Anyway,deja vu happens to me all the time(almost)!

Especially when I am involved in a fight or something close to a fight!

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Anyway,deja vu happens to me all the time(almost)!

Especially when I am involved in a fight or something close to a fight!

i read that deja vu happens when we dreamed something, and when we go to that place in real time,then we remember that dream and think that we lived this again.
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i read that deja vu happens when we dreamed something, and when we go to that place in real time,then we remember that dream and think that we lived this again.

I've read that too.I've also read that we live something close to what we lived in a past life,if you believe that!

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...and how do you translate stupidity here?xd!


put a bullet in your head and it will increase your karma so high that you will get the answer

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Interesting topic so i am gonna post something.I saw my weirdest dream before 3-4 months ago, i was walking and i said the word "satan's respawn" (i know it's stupid/weird).After, quickly i opened my eyes and i saw that the electricity has gone (I mean there wasnt electricity untill the next day).The next day when i was on school, i saw that noone had electricity at all.So, can anyone translate something like this? xD

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put a bullet in your head and it will increase your karma so high that you will get the answer

or simply draw your image :)

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when i was 5-6 years old i have seen always the same dread that i was in a party with rich guyz and i was running in the balcony and when i was running i put out the armor of superman and i fly..5 times the same dread..and now 2-3week ago i saw that i was in a football statium and i tryed to fly..i was rannuing and i lifted my hand and i fly..xD sorry for my BAD english :D

i wanna know what it means this..xD

i was superman in my old life?or i will be superman?xaxa

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well my most weird dream was 3-4 years ago seriously i dont really wanna remember it . i was afraid to sleep cause every day i had the same fucking dream or nightmare u can call it both. for like 15 days or more.


I was in the balcony of my house with my mother and another mysterious woman . while we were talking i dont really remember all of it. she was throwing some shits at me and then my mother told her "What are u doing" it was like black magic "curses" and so on to make me die and smth like that . i dont really remember how it went after that its all i remember from it and seriously i dont really wanna see it again.

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Have you got a problem with me? Okay then, Mr. Coyote, you are the only one who's allowed to express his opinion.


I never said that I have a problem, but giving such statements just because you heard it, or simply because you think so, is stupid.


There's no explanations for dreams lol.

They are just random intense thoughts.

Nothing more.


You're wrong here!


Intrepid is jelous coz he never saw any dream, muahahaha. :D




what about Déjà vu ?

It often happens to me.


Don't go off-topic please. xd

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well my most weird dream was 3-4 years ago seriously i dont really wanna remember it . i was afraid to sleep cause every day i had the same -beep-ing dream or nightmare u can call it both. for like 15 days or more.


I was in the balcony of my house with my mother and another mysterious woman . while we were talking i dont really remember all of it. she was throwing some shits at me and then my mother told her "What are u doing" it was like black magic "curses" and so on to make me die and smth like that . i dont really remember how it went after that its all i remember from it and seriously i dont really wanna see it again.

someone explain this crap? :D
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