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I read about this in another website, it's a new bot with a few options and it's called Kulobot (lol) :D


It has 2 versions: one for daggers and one for spoilers :/


Here is a video of the bot working:


Now I haven't tested it yet but I think you should give it a try...


The site is http://kulobot.cba.pl (the site doesn't have viruses/keyloggers)


But I think you should be careful with these... I downloaded the spoiler bot and I opened it normally but didn't have the time to test it at my server (and to tell you the truth, I am a bit afraid of using it) :D


If you want, check it!


Tested on official, the bot connects fine, but it crashes after 5min, seems like you have to pay $10 to use it. It did not set any new processes to start automatically so I guess its safe.

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