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Can u log?

I played with walkerIG yesterday with no problem, but today, I can't log.

Without walker couldn't too.


Only i can using the updater..


What happend? Help Please, kids need to bot T.T





I have changed the IP address at forward.bat and also I have placed and at hosts the new IP address and bot logs in normaly :D:D (It also verify)


1. Go at forward.bat and right click.. press Edit... at the spot that appears to be an IP address, erase it and write :   save and close....


2. Go at c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc

   Find hosts file... and open it using notepad...

   Delete everything in there... and paste the following lines... localhost L2authd.Lineage2.com



This way I'm able to log in normaly with bot.. :D:D

Have a nice botting... :P


Hey guys I did everything what have You written but the problem is that I can't target moob :/ I'm logging in game, verify is ok, but I cant target any moob and if I try I can't move then. How to fix it?


Hey guys I did everything what have You written but the problem is that I can't target moob :/ I'm logging in game, verify is ok, but I cant target any moob and if I try I can't move then. How to fix it?

Use proxy on game and login server 1777


Use proxy on game and login server 1777




I had it like that. Maybe there's some other problem?


In foward.bat I have some error... Should I change there somth also? it looks like that




Ok i solved problem and the point is that I don't know how :d Thanks for help ^^


this way only works for x5 rpg-club.


what if i want to play x1000 or x1? it doesn't work for them. and will be needed solution for new incoming x15 :)


this way only works for x5 rpg-club.


what if i want to play x1000 or x1? it doesn't work for them. and will be needed solution for new incoming x15 :)

you only have to replace  the game server ip inside of wpf with the the game server ip of your choice...

not like thats something hard to do



thanks killik, i found out how to change the IP and it works.

but bot is now not targeting and attacking. i can see buffs, skills, mobs/npcs on the map - but i can't make it kill mobs ;/


Everything is ok with RPG-RUSSIA server itself, they havent change anything, what seams to be happening is that the server from l2walker that received the transformed packets for "l2walker verify server" simply doesnt exist... <--- this im sure. The ip is the ip from the verify server for the bots.


Now theres something that im not sure, since i been away for some time and recently started playing, in the old times l2waker was being redirected to the same pc on a socket door were a "fake verify server program" was doing the verify for us without contacting the web, ATM for what i saw wpf is changing the packet and making the verify of the bot on the official server ( on the web...


Correct me if im wrong, but im convinced of the second is used nowadays. That server that was being used for verificaions, simply doesnt exist. Try pinging it...


Unless we can change it to a new IP (if it exists) or do the verify on our own pc, we are screwed.


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