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Ok. Because i got a thousand Pms that my sig is a faggot i decided to create another one. ( It is my last one with Sofi's tut.) So I would like yu to comment ( r8 too if you can). I would not want anyone to say " suxxx, you call that a sig? , OMG KKTHNXBB ROFL LOLZ XD, OMFGWTFBBQ" without to mention to what suz or what needs improvement. Thnx.






*PS* I dont think the text is THAT n00bish. What do you think?  :P

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Ok as you said....

comment: uxxx, you call that a sig? , OMG KKTHNXBB ROFL LOLZ XD, OMFGWTFBBQ


reason:its overused...not blend,failed text,ugly bg,nothing special,empty bg,no flow,no depth



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Ok as you said....

comment: uxxx, you call that a sig? , OMG KKTHNXBB ROFL LOLZ XD, OMFGWTFBBQ


reason:its overused...not blend,failed text,ugly bg,nothing special,empty bg,no flow,no depth



ok.I accept them.Bare in mind that i am so n00bie that i dont even know what you mean by saying depth.2. if you see at hs arm at the end it blends with the spatter of the other layer.3.i dont think it is failes D: cause if you see on Drop Shadow there is the text "RoXaS" in a shadow form.4.i used sofakis tut and the bg is  liquified and spattered+waved.
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Text: Seriously, can't you see that it is a failure? How can you match this green color in this warm-coloured background?

Borders: -

Render: Well, you just placed a render in the corner without even touching it (except these "dots" at the head that make it worse).

Background: There is no harmony at all. Not to mention that it is like you took extremely different images and matched them to make the BG.

Effects: You used them in the worst way possible. You used very good and helpful effects, although in the bad way.


Overall: The whole creation is BAD. Instead of overusing one tutorial because it is easy, you should proceed with others as well.

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ok.I accept them.Bare in mind that i am so n00bie that i dont even know what you mean by saying depth.2. if you see at hs arm at the end it blends with the spatter of the other layer.3.i dont think it is failes D: cause if you see on Drop Shadow there is the text "RoXaS" in a shadow form.4.i used sofakis tut and the bg is  liquified and spattered+waved.

Text: Seriously, can't you see that it is a failure? How can you match this green color in this warm-coloured background?

Borders: -

Render: Well, you just placed a render in the corner without even touching it (except these "dots" at the head that make it worse).

Background: There is no harmony at all. Not to mention that it is like you took extremely different images and matched them to make the BG.

Effects: You used them in the worst way possible. You used very good and helpful effects, although in the bad way.


Overall: The whole creation is BAD. Instead of overusing one tutorial because it is easy, you should proceed with others as well.


i hope he explained better



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OK i will try with blanes someday. i Hope it will be better D:


And then you will keep using it for the next 3 months.




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I use the same tut many times until i have 1 good-meddium result.

but you see that you dont...try non-mxc tutorials...give a look at these tuts




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The point is not to reach a good outcome through one tutorial, but to learn many things so you can reach good outcomes in the future, by combining all you have learned.

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The point is not to reach a good outcome through one tutorial, but to learn many things so you can reach good outcomes in the future, by combining all you have learned.


true,these tuts can learn you many things

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