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[Guide] Gladiator

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I noticed several guides around here and since i am kinda bored i thought of making one for my favourite char.I just wanna say that this is my first guide so it's not so fancy and great as others but i wanna believe that the information i provide are correct and of course i will edit it if some point a mistake i made.

This guide is for interlude mid/high


So let's start  :D[/b]


Questions red


Answers yellow



What kind of weapon i use?


Duelist use dual swords (duals).What u need to know about duals is that u can't put a special ability on it using soul crystalls.Instead of using soul crystalls u get the "sa" of dual swords by enchanting em to +4...All duals say what kind of "sa" u will get when enchant it by 4 or more.

To be more precise the weapons are:


C grade -There are like 10 differenet c duals with same p.atk  (190) But if u can make it +4 then the best choice is Katana*Katana(atk speed +4%)


B grade - Samurai Longsword*Samurai Longsword (favourite btw :D).+4 or not it's the b duals with the most p.atk.(when enchanted by 4 or more increases atk speed by 4% just like katana)


A grade - Damascus*talhum blade.Those duals doesn't exist some time on gm shops...In that case take damascus*damascus (some prefer dual keshaberg but damascus cause those give +8% atk speed when enchanted by 4 or more but u already have talhum that gives plenty of attack speed so p.atk in this case is more important that atk.speed)


S grade - Darl Legion *Talhum Blade.Well there is nothing else after all.....


What kind of armor i use?


Always heavy armor.To be more precise:


C grade - Full Plate armor


B grade - Blue Wolf Heavy Armor(favourite btw :D)


A grade - Talhum Heavy Armor


S Grade - Imperial Crusader (Never but never draconic....)


What skills i use?

Sonic Focus -focussonic.jpg With this u get "Focuses".Every time u use it u get 1 focus.The max u can get is 7 (74lvl).Every single force u get increases ur skills damage by 8% more so u must always try to have ur focuses maxed out before using any skill


Sonic Blaster -sonicblaster.jpg I's a range skill (less range than mage) Needs 2 focuses.That means that if u have less that 2 focuses u can't use this skill.


Double Sonic Slash -doublesonicslash.jpg

Does about 40% more damage than sonic blaster.It's a melee atk.Needs 3 focuses


Tripple Sonic Slash - tsse.jpgDoes about 85% more damage than sonic blaster.It's a melee atk.Needs 4 focuses


Sonic Buster - sonicbuster.jpgDoes about 25% less damage than sonic blaster.it's a  melee mass skill.Needs 3 energy stones. DOESN'T NEED ANY FOCUSES


Sonic Storm -  sonicstorm.jpgDoes about 20% less damage than sonic blaster.it's a  range mass skill.Needs 3 energy stones. DOESN'T NEED ANY FOCUSES


Sonic Rage - sonicrage.pngMakes double damage of ur normal hit.It's a range attack.When u use it u get 1 focus.U lose some hp when u use it.


Sonic Move - sonicmove.png Boosts speed for 12 seconds.Needs 3 focuses


Sonic Barrier - sonicbarrier.png Makes u invicible for 9 seconds.needs 5 focuses


War Cry -  warcry.jpgSelf Buff.Increases p.attack for 1 min


Duelist Spirit - duelistspirit.jpgSelf Buff.Increases attack speed and damage of skills for 1 min


War Frenzy -warfrenzy.pngToggle skill (u can use it and stop using it at any time,it consumes mp when u use it).Increases resistance to shock attacks.


Lionheart - lionheart.jpg Self Buff.For 1 min boost resist to sleep,hold,paralysis(anchor) ,shock and debuff atks


What buffs i should get?


With 24 buff slot:


Wind Walk , Might , Shield , Magic Barrier , Bless The Body , Haste , Mental Shield , Elemental Protection , Divine Protection , Chant Of Victory , Danc of fury , Dance of warrior , Dance Of Aqua Guard , Dance of earth guard , Song of earth , Song of wind , song of champion , song of renewal , Song of vitality , Song of invocation , Gift of queen , War Cry , Duelist Spirit , sonic move/sonic barrier/lionheart


NOTE:It would be wise the first buffs to be: Dance of earth guard , dance of earth guard.In case u make the mistake to use sonic move + lionheart OR sonic move + Sonic barrier u will lose a buff u don't need that much as others


NOTE 2 :U can always instead of aqua resist to get unholy resistance...That depends on the server...So if there are not many sps around u don't need aqua dance or if there are not any sorcerers around u don't need song of flame  e.t.c.


If u have more buff slots :

Acumen* , song of concetration* , Gift of unicorn * , unholy resist , vampiric rage** , dance of vampire** kai meta vale oti na nai.......


*In all the servers i played so far sonic move "casting" time and CD (cool down) are better when i have more casting speed.....Also sonic barrier have better CD when i use unicorn buff BUT cause all of the server's played was l2j i am not 100% that's how it suppose to work so if some1 KNOWS that it works otherwise and of course can prove it he may say it so i will edit this post.....Until then this is correct


**Those are not usefull on pvp...Those are used for farm and for when u are low in hp after a pvp to get it full by hitting a mob since duelist doesn't have any other kind of heal.


What dyes i use?


Str +4 Con -4


Str +1 Con -1


Wit +4 int -4 (For what i said before about sonic move...after all +4 DEX is not really usefull for gladi..IMO of course)


To help u understand why i chose these dyes.I don't just put em for p.atk (It is important after all) BUT to increase skill critical rate...so the more str u have the more SKILL critical u will do (When u make a skill critical ur skill does exactly double damage.Str and skill critical is like Wit and magic critical)



Let's start with the simple ones:

Ur focuses must be max out (7) BEFORE u start a pvp...And generally if u are not inside a town then always have focuses maxed out so u won't lose any valuable seconds if pvp starts all of a sudden.

War frensy always on....

War cry and duelist spirit must be always on u as long as the buffs allow u to (with full buffs u can easily do that) BUT in case u can't do that always use duelist spirit before war cry to minimise the CD of war cry


Now More precise :


VS heavy armor(Tyrrant included):

All heavy armor classes have some stun...so other that war frensy that is already on u use lionheart as well .Also u could toggle on Risponse stance for the chance of stuns use by the enemy get him stuned instead of u and some extra back damage,personally i don't use it cause i am not 100% sure how it suppose to work and it reduces speed and atk speed quite a lot.After that u spam ur skills.....I spam them this way:

Buster > Storm > Tripple >4 focus rage > Buster > Storm > Blaster > 2 Rage and all over again ...(I made some tests and i am confident enough to say that this is the max dps u can get).Now if the CD doesn't allow it then u should put double sonic slash on skill bar and use that after sonic blaster.


VS Daggers :

In this case if daggers are not OP as they are most times u can get em without even allow em touching ur hp unless they land a bluff and manage to make some extra damage OR if they lethal u and of course u lose the pvp...In some other words the only dagger that troubles a duelist is wind rider.Other than that all u got to do is spam ur skills as suggested before...This pvp is urs with 80% chance.


VS Archers :

Things are getting complicated here since of the biggest disadvantages of gladi is speed..But that why are friend from ncsoft created Sonic Move :D


If the enemy is HawkEye the things are kinda hard but u still have a good chance.Before pvp starts u use sonic move and refill ur focuses with sonic focuses ASAP..If u see that ur enemy doesn't really try to run a lot but prefers to hit more often (in some other words he is a noob.^^) then try to get close so u can use buster as well(parapanw dps...) BUT do not try to use tripple sonic slush because u will waste a lot of time and if it won't be a critical it will be a waste of time so what u do is spamming Storm>Blaster. (as said before if he is noob enough use buster to increase ur dps)But in order to take that pvp u need to take him out before sonic move warns off (12 seconds) unless sonic move have a good CD...If u have a great reuse then when it warns off u use it refill ur focuses with sonic focus and run again to win the lost ground.Now if the archer start attacking u out of nowhere with his full range then try to hide behind something to make him come close if there is nothing to hide around then u are kinda -beep-ed unless he is a total noob of course


If the enemy is SR or PR then with sonic move u have a lot more speed so they ain't going anywhere :D.U just get close and start spaming all the skills and u will probably get this one easily , Even if he get's u with his full range u still have decent chances and definitely a lot better than with HE.


VS Mages :


SPS - SPH - Sorcecor

Again sonic move before the pvp and charge at him...Normally he won't try slow u and run since u go at him with great speed and this will discourage him....so u start spamming ur skills and have ur mouse on him to retarget him in case of aura flash success....If u get up to 4 hits before get to him u will probably take him...now u get more hits than that u are probably dead UNLESS u get really lucky and get a lot of skill critical...Gladi's second disadvantage is m.def BUT even if he get's up to 1500dmg from mages he have plenty of life (cp+hp) and great dps so ur chances in this pvp are quite good unless ofc if u take too long to attack him.



Sonic move again and u charge at him..IF there is a pet use buster > storm > blaster on the pet and this should be enough PLUS necro get's some dmg too from buster,storm...then u target him and start spaming ur skills..Now if the success rate of anchor/corse of doom (duelist is weak against debuffs after all cause of the low m.def) then before the pvp use lionheart and it's unlikely u get any debuff.....this pvp is probably urs.....now if u have full resist u can easily take 2 necro or even 3 if u use sonic barrier :D.....


Dominator :

Here things are against u...to get this one open lionheart and sonic move and charge at him and start spamming skills and if possible cp pots...BUT since without resist u will get about 800dmg he is gonna get plenty of hp back plus cp heal....so after ur cp ends u should use sonic barrier and keep spaming skills WHILE spaming cp pots to give him a couple more drains less and ofc some more life to u.....Now if lionheart is on cd u should stay far to avoid the debuffs(seal of suspension and the other one with similar pic like cov can't recal the name) cause if u get those u lost the pvp...and spam storm > blaster and rage BUT cp pots as well during the cd blaster/storm...if u do this perfectly and dominator is kinda noob then maybe u gonna get the pvp..but still kinda hard...with the first way u have about 40% and with the second u have about 10%


Olympiad Tactics

The basics :


First of all u get the staffs for bless the body and mental shield

U max out ur focuses

U use battle roar

It would be wise to not join olympiad until lionheart and sonic barrier cd is ready

in the last 4 seconds of the count down u use war cry and duelist spirit BUT that depends on the opponent


More precise :


VS archer


Things are simple...free points for ur ass :D.His only chance is to lethal u and he will manage to do one before lose (so it would be good to use War frensy so u will not get and a stun and allow him to make more).Also if u are not bored before the match starts use war cry , duelist spirit in the 6 last seconds and then sonic move and ofc refill ur focuses with sonic focus so u will kill him as fast as possible


VS Daggers


Well here things are kinda simple as well but u should be kinda nervous for lethal....for me it's better to use sonic barier in the start of pvp to be relaxed...and if ur opponent is wind rinder then ALWAYS use sonic barrier with the start of pvp.


VS Titan , Tyrrant


With titan u use lionheart and war frensy..when he get's low and use frensy use sonic barrier and get the job done...now if server is one of the good ones and there is a way for him to use frensy sealot before match starts then neither try run until it warns off or simple stand and die like a man :P

With tyrrant war frensy lionheart and spam ur skills too but when he will use sealot he will also use force barrier so when he does u use it as well...use breaveheart and when he barrier ends just take him easily.


VS Nukers


In the 7th second of countdown start buffing with : war cry ,duelist spirit , lionheart , sonic move and refill focuses (so when the match starts u should have war cry , duelist spirit , lionheart and sonic move with full focuses) and u charge at him start spaming ur skills.Points are probably urs

If ur opponent is a necro then don't try to find the pet as he will probably have it far from him....just spam the skills on him and u will probably still take the match.


VS supportes


Things are very bad here....If the supporter is good then u probably will lose...just use war cry , duelist spirit and sonic move and charge at him spaming ur skills hoping on consecutive skill critical that will not allow him to heal him self...but it's almost certain this points are lost.


VS Dominator


Personally i can't find a way to get a domi on olympiad....the best u can do is use war cry , duelist spirit , lionheart and charge at him start spaming....when u run out of cp use sonic barrier and sonic rage to refill ur focuses hoping he will not notice u are invicible and waste as more mp as possible...just before lionheart ends use braveheart to get some cp and give him one drain less.In few words if he won't make critical mistakes u can'g get him...one last suggestion if there are tatoo's on server use absolut with dominator to get as much life as possible hoping he will run out of mp.


VS Tanks


U use war frensy lionheart war cry duelist spirit BUT when spaming skills u exlude buster/storm..so use blaster double and tripple....now with paladin if u are able to see his hp and it is around 30% use AND buster storm hoping u will get him before he use angelic and touch of life cause if he do that u lost...



1.On server's with custom weapons/armors gladi sucks most times so i suggest u to find a server with normal s grade.


2.In many l2j (of course...)servers tripple sonic slush does less dmg than sonic blaster,so before start pvping test on a mob if tripple does the dmg that it should if not use double instead of it.(And if u feel like it report it to the admin but it's unlikely something is gonna get fixed)


3.On l2j servers when get to a lvl that u get increase in ur max focuses,ur focuses stuck and when u use sonic focus nothing happens....in that case u can fix it either with doing a rr OR by exit and relog if that doesn't work (happend to me..) In case this doesn't solve the problem neither then just make a sub class.


So here is the end of this guide.If i made a mistake somewhere and some1 can PROVE that to me pls tell me to edit this guide and of course ty.Any possible mistakes made are because i know most things from l2j so i can't be 100% sure about the usage of skills.



credits go...umm...to me? :P

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Great guide~~!


The only i cannot understand is why u are using mass skills in pvp(like your skill bar)

Gladi gonna pwn every meele attacker and is great vs archers if he has good gear,but as u said MOST time useless in high rate servers where everyone has really big gear


You haven't put dyes,but ok gladi really doesn't need dyes


just a advise,use [h r] to seperate them a bit,i am a bit lost :D

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mass skills do just a bit less dmg than blaster BUT need no focuses...so when u are on lvl 7 focus u use 2 extra skills before ur main skill (blaster tripple or double) so u increase ur dps greatly......

and i can easily take archers with s grade if i have s too ofc as long as they don't wear omagad heavy...


i put dyes look more carefull


Also if u have some time explain a bit more that [h r ] part on a pm cause i am noob at this :P

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this is what i am talking about i am get lost

that line is [h r]without the space


Also better put some images,such us in armors weapons and better remove that damned colours,i think yellow/orange for titles and white(normal no colour)is better for main text

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i still didn't got what this [h r] suppose to do but still i am too bored to edit again :P


Now i thought about images but well it's kinda a waste of time IMO at least...i used skill images cause i show a skill bar but for armor weapons i don't see the point.


Colours look good for (it's not so organised but as said before this is the first guide and i am not very good at these things) me and well nobody else seems to have a problem.Take in mind that this is nothing personal i am just saying

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Sonic Storm/ Sonic Blaster need focuses but only u dont less the focus if use it, and btw, if u are clever u will use with lvl 7 focus cuz skills are more powerful, if u dont trust me, check urself, use a triple sonic slash with 4 focus and then use it with 7 focus charges, ... there are a big difference so, before use some sonic skill try to get 7 focus charges.


In many l2j shit servers, u dont get the bonuss of +5 STR for critical skill chance, that only gives u more p. atak.


And btw, in olys is better dont use - CON, u should use +5 STR +4 CON and -9 DEX or +5 STR -5 DEX, or dont use dyes..... IMO that depends of ur intuition...... set...... etc.

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Sonic Storm/ Sonic Blaster need focuses but only u dont less the focus if use it, and btw, if u are clever u will use with lvl 7 focus cuz skills are more powerful, if u dont trust me, check urself, use a triple sonic slash with 4 focus and then use it with 7 focus charges, ... there are a big difference so, before use some sonic skill try to get 7 focus charges.


In many l2j shit servers, u dont get the bonuss of +5 STR for critical skill chance, that only gives u more p. atak.


And btw, in olys is better dont use - CON, u should use +5 STR +4 CON and -9 DEX or +5 STR -5 DEX, or dont use dyes..... IMO that depends of ur intuition...... set...... etc.


Well y i didn't bother explain it so deeply cause i thought that it's obvies.......and i said that with higher lvl of focuses u make more dmg rofl..read more carefully.


I dunno about that since u can't really see if u get the bonus or not....but still p.atk worth the trouble.


Y i guess but personally i am too bored to do that....and i don't agree with the -dex part....the best choice would be to go without dyes on oly

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Nc guide! but i think it is c/p from another site :P I am right ? :D


i made that 100% by my self..all i c/p is the images and a bit the idea of red colored questions and yellow answers (if u search in these forums for "guide duelist" u will see it).


But gimme that site to see what i am supposed to c/p this from

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first of all that guide have 2 sentences...


second of all we don't even agree on items..(he sais take b grade but not b grade jewls etc..it's probably for low rate or something to save adena).


third of all he suggest wrong buffs that i am not (well not exactly wrong as i guess he suggest them for farming so it's normal)


...so for real what similarity u see in these 2 guides????other both of em are for gladi :S

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correct that...we are in english section...btw nice guide..good job :D

fixed and sry for this kind of mistakes it's just that i first made the guide in greek and then translated to english.



this is my first +1.

So, +1 karma for your effort.


Keep it up.


thx glad to see that something good came out of my boredom :D

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