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Double post.


The defense tattoo was 50 gc and 50 sc , and now its 20 each. So its cheaper. This server is a pvp one, but you dont make your full char in 3 hours, you need at least 3-4 days of playing.

Do u know what is double post tard?

Double post.


The defense tattoo was 50 gc and 50 sc , and now its 20 each. So its cheaper. This server is a pvp one, but you dont make your full char in 3 hours, you need at least 3-4 days of playing.


Players told me that it has been 5 gc and 5 sc.


class balance is improved every day. You have to know that i work alone and this server was started 2 days ago. Not everything is working perfectly, but im working every day on it.  Be more pacient...and try to understand


Kind of stupid with super small farm zones and clans just PKing and zerging everybody...



Overpowered archers? :o


low p def with archer i have 4k with light enchant your armor ..


i know NiggaStoleMyBike  and he is not friend admin we have farm together and play pvp rofl


Corleone your gearing up is pretty much impossible. Why?


1) You get PKed after you move from the spawn.

2) The prices are ridiculous high.

not rly i got . Light/heavy/robe . TOP WPN FOR MAGE/Warlord/Archer. and mask soon


@corleone can u log and give me my augment please i got mark. thx


i was online for marks 20 min ago. whats your char name ? and please for this kind of problem pm me on forum, not here ! Thx


i was online for marks 20 min ago. whats your char name ? and please for this kind of problem pm me on forum, not here ! Thx

u gave me im DaRkSLaYeR

what u mean? i havent get any mc yet :D. btw now that i got my mask too i pwn hard :P

so actually how much u have to farm to get a decent gear?

I just testing mage, 6 hits 3 m criticals ..

well i farmed my whole items with mage i never got mc >.< like 3 times each 500 hits rofl.

so actually how much u have to farm to get a decent gear?

well im with top wpn/medium armor and mask took me 1 day to get them. got 3 medium armors and 3 top wpns actually. and 1 augment.

well i farmed my whole items with mage i never got mc >.< like 3 times each 500 hits rofl.well im with top wpn/medium armor and mask took me 1 day to get them. got 3 medium armors and 3 top wpns actually. and 1 augment.

hmm i bit too much farming for a high rate. gonna try it. tnx for infos ;)
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