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[Comment] Infected Crysis


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The render doesn't fit with the background. It would fit if you made the background more dark, something like a warzone.

even crysis has levels with that kinda map :p

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The render doesn't fit with the background. It would fit if you made the background more dark, something like a warzone.


crysis is not a warzone :) its screens from the game so its not my fault xD but thx for your comment :) ( its summer i love the light bgs with beaches and trees xD )

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even crysis has levels with that kinda map :p




crysis is not a warzone :) its screens from the game so its not my fault xD but thx for your comment :) ( its summer i love the light bgs with beaches and trees xD )


Lame designers then.. :D


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Pwnz0r's right.It's just doesn't make any sense.A frequent Crysis gamer would be like WTF?"Our hero stopped fighting and took a brake to swim ?"!

Anyway,I also noticed that the text is not the way it should be."Rysis" should be moved a lil bit at the left (exactly next to "C") and if you worry about the "gfx" you could seperate it from "infection" with a line or something.

You will also notice that if there's a real focal point there,it's the text!

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Pwnz0r's right.It's just doesn't make any sense.A frequent Crysis gamer would be like WTF?"Our hero stopped fighting and took a brake to swim ?"!

Anyway,I also noticed that the text is not the way it should be."Rysis" should be moved a lil bit at the left (exactly next to "C") and if you worry about the "gfx" you could seperate it from "infection" with a line or something.

You will also notice that if there's a real focal point there,it's the text!


i said that the bg image is the ingame image of crysis xD so the Crysis fans will understand that this is the Crysis game :P Until now non game of Crysis is a warzone... except the new Crysis 2 that will be in town war too :P well about the text if you pay attention all the texts are following a line :P

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Yes lol, its like setting spongebob at a war zone :D


but text is really a masterpiece.


why you talk when you didnt play even crysis LOL





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Oh come on we know the way it is but think a bit of it yourself.

First of all,that "beach" in the tag has nothing to do with the "exotic" island you showed us.

Secondly,you can't say we're wrong.When you hear the word "Crysis" the first think that comes to your mind is the action,the war and the adrenaline rising up high.

As I like saying the truth,your tag may be good but it reminds me nothing of those stated above.

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Oh come on we know the way it is but think a bit of it yourself.

First of all,that "beach" in the tag has nothing to do with the "exotic" island you showed us.

Secondly,you can't say we're wrong.When you hear the word "Crysis" the first think that comes to your mind is the action,the war and the adrenaline rising up high.

As I like saying the truth,your tag may be good but it reminds me nothing of those stated above.


i play crysis 5 hours per day lol. when i listen crysis my first thing at my mind is the jumb kills xD over the rocks and then grap them and throw them into the sea xD so yeah it reminds me the island :P also the pic of the bg is a ingame screenshot xD

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