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[L2J]L2Atropos Opened


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YES ITS NOW OPEN(server is not mine)





Server Rates:

Exp: 100x

SP: 100x

Adena: 1000x

Safe enchant: +3

Max enchant: no limit

Server Info:

Vesper Armor/Dynasty/Icarus

Custom PvP system

Craft system

Retail buffs

No Global Gatekeeper

Castle Siege Work

Olympiad System

Augment 100% working

Anti-Phx System

Auto-Subclass,noblesse retail

All Skills Work

Auto 20lvl

Custom Events


Geodata fixed


This Topic will be updated frequently


SITE : http:// l2-atropos.freehostia.com


Join now


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ok if you want to judge the server join and then judge..otherwise plz leave this topic and stop spamming


u will note that not much player gonna log.... we are all bored of home hosted server!

i dont spam since we talk about the server....


I dont know...i think no


so if u dont know a shit about the server dont make a topic and ask the admin to post them!

u also are more a spammer then me cause spam post = nonsense/useless etc...


anyway i leave this topic the server is not even that one im looking for....so have fun and even u have a lot issues GL

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Yeah...i knew you would agree with me..just guys join and see !!


You don't have to reply on every comment to get a post or w/e.


And yes, I see dead ppl....


free site -.-

home hosted.



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The server is not home hosted...yesterday it reached 70 players without lag...i play there and i know.


And yes site is free so??it's still one of the more beautiful sites i have seen

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