[GR]Katarxas Geia se olus !! 9a h8ela ligo boi8eia me ena problima p mu proekipse kai dn 3erw ti prepei na kanw.... akolu8isa to topic t "papaditsa" opws akrivws itan kai tecpa ani3a to gameserver.bat k loginserver.bat.. eftiaksa to patch.... logarw mesa ala stn o9onh ekei p dialegw server (ekei p leei p.x. Bartz ) patw enter na bw ala mu vgazei ena minima katw katw kai leei "your protocol version is different,please continue"... !!! Ti prepei na kanw ? ti exw kanei la9os ? thanx ek twn proterwn kai an boreite apadiste oso poio grhgora einai dinaton gt einai anagh :D thanx kai pali
[EN]Hi all !! i need some help on a problem that im having to my server ... i followed step by step the instructions of the topic that "papaditsa" made and i opened gameserve.bat and logingserver.bat correctly then when i go log into game at the phase that the screen of world selection appears (e.g. Bartz ) i press enter or Confirm button to enter but at the bottom a message appears saying that "your protocol version is different,please continue" ...!! what i have done wrong ?? and how i can fix this ?? Thanx in advantage and if you could answer me as fast as you can because its emergency :D Thanx for your time :)
P.S. st title 3exasa to einai ... xD apo tn biasinh mu ... sory :)
Airin Server — a journey from the classic Chronicle 1 to the epic Chronicle 5, followed by a world merge with the Teon server.
We are creating a unique gaming experience where each era unfolds gradually. From your first steps to battles with epic bosses, from the importance of every equipment grade to the significance of every location.
Progressive Chronicles — your journey through history.
1 client per person
Epic drop chance: x1
Quest drop chance: x1
Raid drop chance: x2
Adena (dynamic): x3~ (x1 for high-level)
EXP\SP: x2-x3
Drop chance: x2-x3
Spoil chance: x2-x3
Quests A-grade: x1-x3
Quests S-grade: x1-x2
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[GR]Katarxas Geia se olus !! 9a h8ela ligo boi8eia me ena problima p mu proekipse kai dn 3erw ti prepei na kanw.... akolu8isa to topic t "papaditsa" opws akrivws itan kai tecpa ani3a to gameserver.bat k loginserver.bat.. eftiaksa to patch.... logarw mesa ala stn o9onh ekei p dialegw server (ekei p leei p.x. Bartz ) patw enter na bw ala mu vgazei ena minima katw katw kai leei "your protocol version is different,please continue"... !!! Ti prepei na kanw ? ti exw kanei la9os ? thanx ek twn proterwn kai an boreite apadiste oso poio grhgora einai dinaton gt einai anagh :D thanx kai pali
[EN]Hi all !! i need some help on a problem that im having to my server ... i followed step by step the instructions of the topic that "papaditsa" made and i opened gameserve.bat and logingserver.bat correctly then when i go log into game at the phase that the screen of world selection appears (e.g. Bartz ) i press enter or Confirm button to enter but at the bottom a message appears saying that "your protocol version is different,please continue" ...!! what i have done wrong ?? and how i can fix this ?? Thanx in advantage and if you could answer me as fast as you can because its emergency :D Thanx for your time :)
P.S. st title 3exasa to einai ... xD apo tn biasinh mu ... sory :)
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