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interlude [L2J]Lineage ][ Sharp PVP/GVE Bartz PvP x800-500 Wiping

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Welcome to Lineage ][ Sharp


The server is a Lineage ][ Sharp Interlude Midrate PvP server. Our goal is to provide players a fun totally free,

providing to the player's the most retail features and gameplay designed for PVP Point.We can support more than 2000 players online,

1000mbps connection in germany, ping stable.


The server is protected against cheats or bots (walker,l2net,devine), where any attempt to use will result in automatic failed attempt.


Our server is L2J support, programmed by top professionals in Java, which reproduce to perfection and the great performance

gaming environment (Lineage II).


Any doubts please contact our support!




I apologise to all players but the problem has gone too far..I decided to wipe the server for a fresh

new start without any problems, bugs. I will change  pack with a new one reverted from La2Phoenix to Interlude

which is better and more stable/balanced from the previous pack.


Server will be back online on Saturday,7th August at 20:00 GMT+2



i will announce and the new features of the server:



-== Rates ==-

Exp: x800

Sp: x800

Drop: x1


Adena: x800

Spoil: x1



-== Features ==-

C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/INT Areas

C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/INT Mobs

C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/INT Skills


No custom items

Spawn Protection - 30 seconds

Geodata and Pathnode 100% now like retail

Cursed Weapons

Auto Learn Skills

Retail Sieges

Retail RaidBosses

Retail Olympiad

Wedding System

Clan System

Fishing System

Olympiad System(&like Gracia party vs party)

Subclass System


Hero System

Noblesse System

Clan Halls System

Duel System

Augmentation System

Enchant Skills System

100% Classes balance and Retail Gameplay



-== Enchant ==-

Weapons: 66%

Armors: 66%

Jewels: 66%

Crystal Scroll :100% (max +14)

Bless Scroll :72%

Maximum: +20

Safe: +3



-== NPC's ==-

GM Shop - You can buy anything you want until A.Weapons,Armors,Jewles,Potions,Scrolls etc. [No Raid Boss Jewels]

Gatekeeper - You can teleport to any place you want.

NPC Buffer - Gives support magic to help you in game.

Class Changer - You can change your class there.




-== Events ==-

Auto Event : Team Vs Team

Auto Event :DeathMatch Event

Auto Event :Capture the base

Auto Event :Hide and Seek

Auto Event : Moster Master

Auto event :Hitman

Auto event :LastManStanting

Auto Event :Fortess Siege

Auto event :Quiz Event

Auto Event :1vs1 Event



-== Buffs ==-

50 buff slots , 10 debuff slots

2h all buffs





-== Custom Zones ==-


- DVC: Coins FaRM for armors/weapons S grade

- Toi 10 Coins FARM for armors/weapons S grade (safezone)

- Imperial Tomb down :Party  Coins weapons/armors/adena/SA/Ls  drop

- Primeval Isle Tyrra :Ls drop /crystal scroll coins

- PI Wharf : PvP Zone





-== Raid bosses ==-


Ant Queen :respawn time 10 minutes

Orfen :respawn time 10 minutes

Core :respawn time 10 minutes

Baium :respawn time 5 hours/Q buyable from gmshop

Antharas :respawn time 5 hours/Q buyable from gmshop

Valakas :respawn time 5 hours/Q buyable from gmshop





-== Server Machine ==-


   * Os Linux Debian

   *  Phenom Quad 955 3.4Ghz

   * 8192 MB DDR3 RAM

   * 500 GB 7.200 RPM

   * 2000 GB Traffic p/m

   * 1Gb Connection





Welcome to Sharp GvE Faction Server


Opening 29/06/2010  18:00 +2GTM


Hello all Today i finished the last updates to the GVE Faction server in Sharp Network.

Server based in a unique faction Good vs Evils engine.

We will run  in beta mode for 1 day to test and fix any problem.


-=Server Info =-


Pack based in l2joneo project

Good vs Evil Mode

Anti feed protection system

New players have full xp/sp and the subclass full lvl

Aio Item: that you can Augment,enchant skills,See top pvp,Load buffs,Server info

Java GK that change the pvp places every 1 hour

Java buffer with save Button and Load + Manual (Buffs dont have time limit)

Donater buffer that buffs you for a special item with full buffs

Clan flags: Every 3lvl clan, can spawn or delete they flags ( spawn point )

Special hero system + hero item

Town war with guards and capture flag

Enchantment with pvp points


Shows pvp points in char tittle and much more!!


-=Enchant rates=-


Max :25


Enchant Rate:75%


-=Information about our Engine=-


What is Good vs Evil?

Good vs Evil is the first faction player vs player system/ server mod created for a Lineage 2 Private Server.

Players are split into two opposing sides (Good & Evil).These factions are united to fight the opposing side and capture the various towns and castles within the Lineage world.

Owning different percentages of the zones will reward your faction with certain benifits.


-=Game dificult=-

In this server: items prices are high, if newbie players killed old players ( more stronger ) they get more reward

and other conditions are such as to constitute a long and interesting game.


-=Enchant system=-

Player can choose with command .type what type of item ( weapon, armor, sth else.. ) he want to enchant by pvp kills.

How much need to kill to get one enchants - info at forum!


-=GvE Heroes=-

Every  week the 5 top killers from every Faction will be heroes


-=Clan flags=-

Every 3lvl clan, can spawn or delete they flags ( spaw point ).


-=Why does my character have Seal of Ruler and Builld Headquarters?=-

These two skills are giving to every character in the world:

Seal of Ruler is used to capture towns and castles.

Build Headquarters allow a clan to build a mobile spawnpoint almost wherever they like.


-=How do I capture a zone?=-

How do I capture a zone?

In the every towns zone are Flag, which the attacers can use on them the Seal of Ruler skill.


-=How do I choose my class?=-

Use this command: .prof


-=Voice Commands=-

.stats <you can see players stats

.base <you will return in your base

.heal <restore full hp cp

.faction <choose faction

.info <information about your character

.delpoint <delete flags

.stat <map stats

.enchant <enchant with kills





-== WebSite ==-






Server Patch




and much more Join Us!


Finally a server that is worth playing i hope it will be a success and with a big comunity ! Lol look at all these events :D . Crafting seems very nice idea ! Hope it will be as good as i expect it to be :P :))


I don't really like the way you have to take the S grade gear :/

It will need many mats to craft/obtain them? I mean it will be hard or easy? ;D

Also, I can't see the donation list somewhere in your site^^


wrong section ....


why you post here?

is correct because server is not opened yet and i want some opinions to make it better

I don't really like the way you have to take the S grade gear :/

It will need many mats to craft/obtain them? I mean it will be hard or easy? ;D

Also, I can't see the donation list somewhere in your site^^

the farm is  about 2-4 hours but you must be lucky and drop the recipe you want recipes drop rate is 6% about donate is offline for now but no overpowered for sure


about donate is offline for now but no overpower for sure


I hope so..

Just, announce the donation list before the starting of the server!

It will help the majority to plan what they are going to do (play or not)


I don't really like the way you have to take the S grade gear :/


Think of it like of an normall farm ... like you farm in a server for customs or something else .. its the same just when you take the needed recipes and items you must craft them from the craftmanager and your ready ^^


This isn't such a problem like donations :P

I can make out with the farm (I've played in low rate servers many times)

But with donations....I have huge problem ;D Everyone opens a server just to make $$$


This isn't such a problem like donations :P

I can make out with the farm (I've played in low rate servers many times)

But with donations....I have huge problem ;D Everyone opens a server just to make $$$

about donation for now 100% no lifestone skills, im thinking about aio item,recipes


aio item, recipes, change name, clan lvl up (+skills), lvl up (char), ch, blah blah blah,

and without aug. skills, weap++, armor++, boss jewls, hero (1 month etc.) Sounds good ;D

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