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After you're done with this guide [Guide]How To Make PHP Ready For Mssql Connection , create a file on your webserver with php extension then insert the next code inside:



// Credits to me

// Sript Configuration
$type = "1";                                // 1 for top PVP, 2 for top PK
$count = "10";                            // Top Limit Players( Ex Top 10 PvP/Pk)

// DataBase Connection Informations
$host = "localhost";                    // DataBase Host: Default: localhost
$user = "sa";                             // DataBase User: Default: sa
$password = "yourpassword";    // DataBase Password
$database = "lin2world";            // Database Name: Default: lin2world

if($type == "1"){
$type = "Duel";
elseif($type == "2"){
$type = "PK";
echo "<font color='red'>Invalid Type!</font>";

if($type == '1' || $type == '2'){
$dbconn = mssql_connect($host, $user, $password)
 or die("Connection to $host cannot be reached."); 
$dbslect = mssql_select_db($database, $dbconn)
 or die("The database $database can't be opened.");

function is_int_val($data) {
if (is_int($data) === true) return true;
elseif (is_string($data) === true && is_numeric($data) === true) {
return (strpos($data, '.') === false);
return false;

if(!is_int_val($count) || $count < '1'){
echo "<font color='red'>Invalid Count Data</font>";
$select = "SELECT Duel,PK,char_name FROM user_data WHERE $type >='0' ORDER BY $type DESC LIMIT $count;";
$query = mssql_query($select);

if($type == '1'){
$type = "PvP's";
$type2 = '0';
elseif($type == '2'){
$type = "PK's";
$type2 = '1';

echo "<table align='center' border='1'><tr><td><b>#</b></td><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>$type</b></td></tr>";
$i = '1';

$charname = htmlspecialchars($row[2]);

echo "<tr><td>$i</td><td>$row[2]</td><td>$row[$type2]</td></tr>";


echo "</table>";




"Secure".... Just create new sql user with read only for the top pvp/pk raid scripts =) also set wamp under unprivilegued rdp user.


I know but for that persons who don't know how to create & set privileges to a user what they do? and btw someday while I was searching on a forum(I don't tell the name) I found a top pk/pvp script , specially made to be vulnerable at sql inject.so..

  • Vision changed the title to Secured Top PvP,Pk Scripts

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