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[Discussion] The hardest Game boss ever fought?


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What the title says : Which boss was the hardest one you've ever fought?


For me , it was a Megaman boss I used to fight at my first PC (win 95 ftw)

He was bugged, releasing a huge ray when he died . Even if you avoided it, you died , so you actually couldn't beat this guy.



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Nah , he was poo, I was able to own him easily, cause his weakness is extremely easy to notice : When he attacks and you avoid his hit, he has a cooldown, and you are able to hit him a couple of times. After that you run around till he does it again... simple ;p

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Nah , he was poo, I was able to own him easily, cause his weakness is extremely easy to notice : When he attacks and you avoid his hit, he has a cooldown, and you are able to hit him a couple of times. After that you run around till he does it again... simple ;p


[Gr]Το ξερω, απλα ηταν το Boss που μου ειχε μεινει. Για καμποσο καιρο εβαζα το name στο L2.


Το πιο δυσκολο στην πραγματικοτητα το πιο δυσκολο ηταν στο Game Boy Advance στο κοτοπουλακι ενα στογγυλο πραγμα που γυρνουσε γυρω γυρω αχαχα[/Gr]

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