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{Ligo Akuro} alla help plz!



hello  :D


Sorry alla dn h3era se poia kathgoria na valw thn aporia mou! apla mhpws 3erei kaneis pou kanw + ta skills apo ta dwarfs? H na mou paei kapoios akrivws to name tou npc pou kanei + ta skills tou to dwarf????


LoL eimai admin kai dn 3erw pou kanoun + ta skill apo ta nanakia :/

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ok man euxaristw polu! (egw sto hunter village epsaxna :P :D xa0xa00xa) thanks kai pali!

Stin Rune kanoun + ta skills tous episeis kai Overlord / Warcryer (to lew mipws  eixes aporia)


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