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1) http://l2liberators.com/index.php INTERLUDE

2) IP:

3) USERNAME: testbot PW: bottest


-Thanks in advance !


Ok man)) I made it's specially for you=)

1)run forward.bat from folder "tunnel"

2)run wpf658f from folder "wpfNew"

3)run l2walker, and don't forget to set proxy on gameserver

If  you do all right , so bot must working))

Download - l2liberators.com.rar


                                                                                                                              Good LucK!=)


Sorry for double posting but when i am trying to run wpf658f.exe from folder "wpfNew" i am getting this error: "Windows are not able to open this .exe. Maybe u don't have the rights to enter this file" !


Sorry for double posting but when i am trying to run wpf658f.exe from folder "wpfNew" i am getting this error: "Windows are not able to open this .exe. Maybe u don't have the rights to enter this file" !

What the windows you have?? Run as administrator...


I tried everything but one more problem:


22:32:05 »¶Σ­ΚΉΣΓΠΠΥί΅£www.ToWalker.com

22:32:05 Link LoginServer Succeed.

22:32:11 Login LoginServer Success.

22:32:11 服务器[01]当前在线率:21.10%,能否登陆:能

22:32:35 ->Link GameServer Fail.


And fails always!




I tried everything but one more problem:


22:32:02 ->Login VerifyServer Fail.

22:32:03 »¶Σ­ΚΉΣΓΠΠΥί΅£www.ToWalker.com

22:32:03 ->Login VerifyServer Fail.

22:32:05 »¶Σ­ΚΉΣΓΠΠΥί΅£www.ToWalker.com

22:32:05 Link LoginServer Succeed.

22:32:11 Login LoginServer Success.

22:32:11 服务器[01]当前在线率:21.10%,能否登陆:能

22:32:35 ->Link GameServer Fail.



WTF???? It's I must  ask you))

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