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The thing is simple. People who are used to the great old lineage, won't go for the new things. They just don't seem like lineage any longer. It seems like a totally different game.


And yes, i've tried gracia and no, i didn't like it.


Oldschool players will never join new chronicles, that's why the proz choose interlude :)


More balance.

More functions that facilitate gameplay.

Great newbie support for new players.

Better graphics.

Features that really make high rate servers look crappy, which results to less retards making homemade servers. (Though NC doesn't give a flying -beep- about private servers.)



C4 and Interlude were 2 of the most imbalanced chronicles. I really do not understand why you like them, so much, even if they are so old... Probably because you don't like T1+'s interface visually and don't dare to give gameplay a try.


I couldnt agree more.



Rly just 1thing to say about interlude.almost ever interlude server nowdays are high rate and with costum item.

Btw that you guys call interlude server with costum are not l2.


Quite true...

Epilogue features are fuucking up high rates because of static reuse, elements, more balance, better features that make highrates unplayable or very unbalanced.


BTW, that girl in your avatar is hot, DBSK.

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