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How to make a L2J C4 server in 5 minutes

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  • 1 month later...





i did all configuration as followed.




RegisterServer, copy and rename hexid.txt to \gameserer\config




Start.bat is OK.




StartLogin Server gives the attached error.








1: do i have to explicity put "SERVER" as the default option in MYSQL config?




2: does the name of the database inside 'l2jdb' matters? im using 'db'.


3: out of options!






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i found out now that all operations which include looking into the database are scammed, they turn out with the same error.




any ideas?




do i have to restrict or give database access to user 'root'??

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PASSWORD on the Server Configuration files MUST BE "root". if not, u get "ACESS DENIED" error.




i found out that you can set up things without mysql. seems that it interferes with JAVA.




well. i got everything until the client gameserver login, which shows 9999 lag.




i took a SS so oyu guys can see the whole situation.




i have C4 installed fully updated.


Any ideas?


could someone post a l2.ini that works?







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yay!! i could connect if i put all servers (internal/external =; dont touch ports.




now, im playing.




BUT, i have a game with mobs but no NPCs like vendors and the like.




during gameserver startup there are lots and lots of NPCs table missing errors...




any help/idea?




by the way, i installed the database link the java set full installation way, not the MySQL way.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi man nice guide


I did everything exactelly you did but everytime i do startloginserver.bat i get "server terminated abnormally" please help me out.


my msn: mike_joseph56@hotmail.com

Add that one if you like to help me please!.




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