Asa Posted October 17, 2007 Posted October 17, 2007 Now, as many of you may have noticed (or not noticed) night fish botting is completely buggered in walker. It will continue to use night lures reguardless of the time of day in game until they're gone (*notice if you use them during the day you will catch nothing, hence the problem). No matter, the first script I provide for you is still very useful for the anytime fishing with normal lures. It's based out of Heine and is currently set up for a nuker class in A-Grade. For the most part, the only things you will need to change to have it work for your class are all the items/IDs. Most of the relevant fishing related IDs can be found at the bottom of the script. And the last, probably most important thing: If you do want it to attack the mobs that occasionally spawn, it is a good idea in your MonsSettings to set the Caught *mobs* to High Priority, use shot, Innitiative, and Atk Aggros first. In some instances, not doing so may cause you to keep fishing while the caught mob beats you to pulp. Here goes: Innitial credit for the basic ver. of this script goes to mondo of gamehaqs without which all my revisions, additions, tweaks and improvements wouldn't have been possible. /------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////////Loc///////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- PosInRange(106331,225391,-3766,500) { MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(This here's the fishing spot.) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(Let's get started) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) JMP(L_begin_fish) } PosInRange(109673,220236,-3512,200) { MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(Near the WH... Let's restock.) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) MOVETO(109676,220233,-3542) JMP(WH2) } PosOutRange(109673,220236,-3512,6000) { MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(We're not in our fishing range.) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(I'm calling it quits) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) JMP(End) } MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(Move closer to wh / fishing loc.) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(I'm calling it quits) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) JMP(End) /------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////Go2WH/////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- LABEL(Go_to_WH) // SET(L2WALKER,DISABLE) DELAY(1000) USESKILL(Fishing) DELAY(125) CALL(Fight-Equip) DELAY(125) CALL(Loc-WH) LABEL(WH2) CALL(WHDp) DELAY(2000) CALL(Save-Red) CALL(WHDp)//un-note for 2nd fish color DELAY(2000) CALL(Save-White)//un-note and change if you get two colors of fish at your lvl expertise DELAY(125) /------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////WHItems////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- ITEMCOUNT(Cygnus Pole[iD=6533],<,1) { CALL(WHWd) LoadITEM(Cygnus Pole[iD=6533],1) DELAY(125) } DELAY(250) ITEMCOUNT(Purple Colored Lure - High Grade[iD=6524],<=,250) { CALL(WHWd) LoadItem(Purple Colored Lure - High Grade[iD=6524],500) DELAY(125) } DELAY(250) ITEMCOUNT(Purple Colored Lure - High Grade[iD=6524],<=,50) { MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(We're too low on lures.) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(I'm calling it quits) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) JMP(End) } DELAY(250) ITEMCOUNT(Blessed Spiritshot: A Grade[iD=3951],<=,100) { CALL(WHWd) LoadItem(Blessed Spiritshot: A Grade[iD=3951],200) DELAY(125) } DELAY(250) ITEMCOUNT(Blessed Spiritshot: A Grade[iD=3951],<=,25) { MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(We're too low on Spirit Shot.) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(I'm calling it quits) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) JMP(End) } DELAY(250) ITEMCOUNT(Fishing Shot: A-grade[iD=6539],<=,500) { CALL(WHWd) LoadItem(Fishing Shot: A-grade[iD=6539],300) DELAY(125) } DELAY(250) ITEMCOUNT(Fishing Shot: A-grade[iD=6539],<=,50) { MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(We're too low on Fish Shot.) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(I'm calling it quits) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) JMP(End) } //change depending on class, grade, and fishing grade /------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////WareHouse///////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- DELAY(5000) CALL(WH-Loc) CALL(L_begin_fish) LABEL(WHWd) // DELAY(125) NPCSEL(Mia) DELAY(125) NPCDLG(Mia) DELAY(125) DLGSEL(Private Warehouse) DELAY(125) DLGSEL(Withdraw an item. (Private Warehouse)) DELAY(125) RETURN() // LABEL(WHDp) // DELAY(125) NPCSEL(Mia) DELAY(125) NPCDLG(Mia) DELAY(125) DLGSEL(Private Warehouse) DELAY(125) DLGSEL(Deposit an item. (Private Warehouse)) DELAY(125) RETURN() // //change name for the wh keeper of the town you're in /------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////MPStats/////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- LABEL(Low_mana) SET(L2WALKER,DISABLE) DELAY(500) USESKILL(Fishing) CALL(Fight-Equip) ChangeWaitType (0) LABEL(MP_Status) CharStatus (MP,==, 100) { ChangeWaitType(1) CALL(L_begin_fish) } Delay(1500) CALL(MP_Status) /------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////Fight///////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- LABEL(L_begin_combat) SET(L2WALKER,DISABLE) CALL(Fish-Equip) USESKILL(Fishing) CALL(Fight-Equip) SET(L2WALKER,ENABLE) SET(FIGHTSTART) DELAY(10) LABEL(L_combat) CHARSTATUS(HP,==,100) { SET(FIGHTSTOP) SET(L2WALKER,DISABLE) SET(FIGHTSTOP) ChangeWaitType(1) DELAY(1000) CALL(TheSpot) JMP(L_begin_fish) } CHARSTATUS(HP,<=,25) { SET(FIGHTSTOP) SET(L2WALKER,DISABLE) SET(FIGHTSTOP) ChangeWaitType(1) USEITEM(Greater Healing Potion[iD=]) DELAY(5000) USEITEM(Scroll of Escape[iD=736]) DELAY(20000) JMP(End) } JMP(L_combat) /------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////Fishing//////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- LABEL(L_begin_fish) CALL(Fight-Equip) CALL(Fish-Equip) SET(L2WALKER,ENABLE) LABEL(L_fish) CHARSTATUS(HP,<,100) { DELAY(10) JMP(L_begin_combat) } CharStatus(WEIGHT,>=,55) { JMP(Go_to_WH) } CharStatus(WEIGHT,>=,65) { JMP(End) } //Remember to turn on auto-fishing in Walker /------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////FishItems////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- ITEMCOUNT(Purple Colored Lure - High Grade[iD=6524],<,5) { JMP(Go_to_WH) //Go to Warenhouse } ITEMCOUNT(Fishing Shot: A-grade[iD=6539],<,20) { JMP(Go_to_WH) //Go to Warenhouse } //change depending on rod used and desired lure /------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////CurStatus////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- CharStatus (MP,<=, 50) { JMP(Low_Mana) } DELAY(500) CALL(L_fish) /------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////Equipment///////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- LABEL(Fight-Equip) // DELAY(500) USEITEM([iD=5643]) USEITEM(Dark Crystal Shield[iD=641]) DELAY(500) RETURN() // LABEL(Fish-Equip) // DELAY(500) USEITEM(Cygnus Pole[iD=6533]) USEITEM(Purple Colored Lure - High Grade[iD=6524]) DELAY(500) RETURN() // //change here for wpns attacking and fishing gear used //make sure the rod and lure are the same as in other //areas of the script /------------------------------------------------------- ////////////////////////TheEnd/////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- LABEL(End) { SET(L2WALKER,DISABLE) CALL(Fight-Equip) USESKILL(Fishing) CALL(Fight-Equip) ChangeWaitType (0) Exit() } LABEL(Description_IDs_and_Pathing) /------------------------------------------------------- ///////////////////////PATHING////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- LABEL(WH-Loc)//move from wh to loc // MOVETO(109888,220225,-3542) MOVETO(109889,220566,-3504) MOVETO(110185,221085,-3505) MOVETO(110189,221395,-3568) MOVETO(108608,221394,-3568) MOVETO(108257,221405,-3697) MOVETO(108036,221165,-3696) MOVETO(107086,221197,-3639) MOVETO(107082,220820,-3639) MOVETO(106921,220827,-3639) MOVETO(106923,221341,-3776) MOVETO(106603,221346,-3776) MOVETO(106603,221664,-3776) MOVETO(106484,221667,-3784) //water delays for swimming MOVETO(104888,224097,-3784) DELAY(20000) MOVETO(105305,224618,-3776) MOVETO(106236,224891,-3784) DELAY(2000) MOVETO(106351,224894,-3736) LABEL(TheSpot) MOVETO(106349,225384,-3736) RETURN() // LABEL(Loc-WH)//move from loc to wh // MOVETO(106349,225384,-3736) MOVETO(107025,225391,-3736) MOVETO(107036,224890,-3736) MOVETO(107148,224893,-3784) MOVETO(108103,222967,-3784) DELAY(15000) MOVETO(108093,221364,-3696) MOVETO(108614,221385,-3568) MOVETO(110182,221398,-3568) MOVETO(110190,221077,-3505) MOVETO(109874,220592,-3505) MOVETO(109882,220237,-3542) MOVETO(109661,220236,-3542) MOVETO(109673,220236,-3512) RETURN() // //wh-loc is the path taken from the warehouse to where //you fish. loc-wh is how you get back to wh. These //can be changed for any town you can fish in. Current //set up is for a descrete place in Heine. /------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////Fish&Chests//////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- /-----Green Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-Green) // SaveItem(Small green nimble fish[iD=6411],9999;Small green ugly fish[iD=6412],9999;Small green fat fish[iD=6413],9999;Green nimble fish[iD=6414],9999;Green ugly fish[iD=6415],9999;Green fat fish[iD=6416],9999;Big nimble green fish[iD=6417],9999;Big green ugly fish[iD=6418],9999;Big green fat fish[iD=6419].9999;Small green treasure chest[iD=6492],9999;green treasure chest[iD=6493],9999;Big green treasure chest[iD=6494],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /-----Jade Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-Jade) // SaveItem(Small jade nimble fish[iD=6420],9999;Small jade ugly fish[iD=6421],9999;Small jade fat fish[iD=6422],9999;Jade nimble fish[iD=6423],9999;Jade ugly fish[iD=6424],9999;Jade fat fish[iD=6425],9999;Big jade nimble fish[iD=6426],9999;Big jade ugly fish[iD=6427],9999;Big jade fat fish[iD=6428],9999;Small jade treasure chest[iD=6495],9999;jade treasure chest[iD=6496],9999;Big jade treasure chest[iD=6497],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /-----Blue Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-Blue) // SaveItem(Small blue nimble fish[iD=6429],9999;Small blue ugly fish[iD=6430],9999;Small blue fat fish[iD=6431],9999;Blue nimble fish[iD=6432],9999;Blue ugly fish[iD=6433],9999;Blue fat fish[iD=6434],9999;Big blue nimble fish[iD=6435],9999;Big blue ugly fish[iD=6436],9999;Big blue fat fish[iD=6437],9999;Small blue treasure chest[iD=6498],9999;blue treasure chest[iD=6499],9999;Big blue treasure chest[iD=6500],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /-----Yellow Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-Yellow) // SaveItem(Small yellow nimble fish[iD=6438],9999;Small yellow ugly fish[iD=6439],9999;Small yellow fat fish[iD=6440],9999;Yellow nimble fish[iD=6441],9999;Yellow ugly fish[iD=6442],9999;Yellow fat fish[iD=6443],9999;Big yellow nimble fish[iD=6444],9999;Big yellow ugly fish[iD=6445],9999;Big yellow fat fish[iD=6446],9999;Small yellow treasure chest[iD=6501],9999;yellow treasure chest[iD=6502],9999;Big yellow treasure chest[iD=6503],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /-----Orange Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-Orange) // SaveItem(Small orange nimble fish[iD=6447],9999;Small orange ugly fish[iD=6448],9999;Small orange fat fish[iD=6449],9999;Orange nimble fish[iD=6450],9999;Orange ugly fish[iD=6451],9999;Orange fat fish[iD=6452],9999;Big orange nimble fish[iD=6453],9999;Big orange ugly fish[iD=6454],9999;Big orange fat fish[iD=6455],9999;Small orange treasure chest[iD=6504],9999;orange treasure chest[iD=6505],9999;Big orange treasure chest[iD=6506],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /-----Purple Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-Purple) // SaveItem(Small Purple nimble fish[iD=6456],9999;Small Purple ugly fish[iD=6457],9999;Small Purple fat fish[iD=6458],9999;Purple nimble fish[iD=6459],9999;Purple ugly fish[iD=6460],9999;Purple fat fish[iD=6461],9999;Big purple nimble fish[iD=6462],9999;Big purple ugly fish[iD=6463],9999;Big purple fat fish[iD=6464],9999;Small Purple treasure chest[iD=6507],9999;Purple treasure chest[iD=6508],9999;Big Purple treasure chest[iD=6509],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /-----Red Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-Red) // SaveItem(Small red nimble fish[iD=6465],9999;Small red ugly fish[iD=6466],9999;Small red fat fish[iD=6467],9999;Red nimble fish[iD=6468],9999;Red ugly fish[iD=6469],9999;Red fat fish[iD=6470],9999;Big red nimble fish[iD=6471],9999;Big red ugly fish[iD=6472],9999;Big red fat fish[iD=6473],9999;Small red treasure chest[iD=6510],9999;red treasure chest[iD=6511],9999;Big red treasure chest[iD=6512],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /-----White Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-White) // SaveItem(Small white nimble fish[iD=6474],9999;Small white ugly fish[iD=6475],9999;Small white fat fish[iD=6476],9999;White nimble fish[iD=6477],9999;White ugly fish[iD=6478],9999;White fat fish[iD=6479],9999;Big white nimble fish[iD=6480],9999;Big white ugly fish[iD=6481],9999;Big white fat fish[iD=6482],9999;Small white treasure chest[iD=6513],9999;white treasure chest[iD=6514],9999;Big white treasure chest[iD=6515],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /-----Black Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Save-Black) // SaveItem(Small black nimble fish[iD=6483],9999;Small black ugly fish[iD=6484],9999;Small black fat fish[iD=6485],9999;Black nimble fish[iD=6486],9999;Black ugly fish[iD=6487],9999;Black fat fish[iD=6488],9999;Big black nimble fish[iD=6489],9999;Big black ugly fish[iD=6490],9999;Big black fat fish[iD=6491],9999;Small black treasure chest[iD=6516],9999;black treasure chest[iD=6517],9999;Big black treasure chest[iD=6518],9999) RETURN() // /------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////////Lures//////////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- Green Colored Lure - Low Grade[iD=6519] Green Colored Lure - Medium Grade[iD=6520] Green Colored Lure - High Grade[iD=6521] Purple Colored Lure - Low Grade[iD=6522] Purple Colored Lure - Medium Grade[iD=6523] Purple Colored Lure - High Grade[iD=6524] Yellow Colored Lure - Low Grade[iD=6525] Yellow Colored Lure - Medium Grade[iD=6526] Yellow Colored Lure - High Grade[iD=6527] /------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////FishShots///////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- Fishing Shot: non-grade[iD=6535] Fishing Shot: D-grade[iD=6536] Fishing Shot: C-grade[iD=6537] Fishing Shot: B-grade[iD=6538] Fishing Shot: A-grade[iD=6539] Fishing Shot: S-grade[iD=6540] /------------------------------------------------------- /////////////////////FishingRods///////////////////// /------------------------------------------------------- Baby Duck Rod[iD=6529]///ng Albatross Rod[iD=6530]///d Pelican Rod[iD=6531]/////c Kingfisher Rod[iD=6532]//b Cygnus Pole[iD=6533]/////a Triton Pole[iD=6534]/////s Now, before anyone gets all upity and complains about how it doesn't work... Unless you're running with the same gear I use on my character, it won't. You must change the script to work with the items and gear your character uses. Have fun fishing... endlessly-- or at least until your stocked wh of fishing items is gone. Quote
Asa Posted October 17, 2007 Author Posted October 17, 2007 --sorry for double post, it is to keep large scripts seperate and less confusing-- What's that you say? Your middle finger aches from having to right click and open all the oodles and oodles of fishies you caught? No problem! With this script simply change the color (or colors if your fishing expertise lvl + 1 is not divisible by 3) of the fish you have on hand and it will open them all for you based on what you set the weight limit to (currently 95%). Enjoy! LABEL(Start) CALL(Open-Red) CALL(Open-White) //color of fish/chests you want to open //colors (Green, Jade, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Red, White, Black) LABEL(Weight) CHARSTATUS(WEIGHT,>=,95) { JMP(End) } Return() // LABEL(End) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(You're Out of Fish / Over Weight) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) msg(Go get some proofs?) MSG(~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~) EXIT() // ------------------------------------------------------- //////////////////////Fish&Chests////////////////////// ------------------------------------------------------- -----Green Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-Green) // LABEL(g1) UseItem(Small green nimble fish[iD=6411]) Call(Weight) ItemCount(Small green nimble fish[iD=6411],>,0) { JMP(g1) } LABEL(g2) UseItem(Small green ugly fish[iD=6412]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small green ugly fish[iD=6412],>,0) { JMP(g2) } LABEL(g3) UseItem(Small green fat fish[iD=6413]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small green fat fish[iD=6413],>,0) { JMP(g3) } LABEL(g4) UseItem(Green nimble fish[iD=6414]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Green nimble fish[iD=6414],>,0) { JMP(g4) } LABEL(g5) UseItem(Green ugly fish[iD=6415]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Green ugly fish[iD=6415],>,0) { JMP(g5) } LABEL(g6) UseItem(Green fat fish[iD=6416]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Green fat fish[iD=6416],>,0) { JMP(g6) } LABEL(g7) UseItem(Big nimble green fish[iD=6417]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big nimble green fish[iD=6417],>,0) { JMP(g7) } LABEL(g8) UseItem(Big green ugly fish[iD=6418]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big green ugly fish[iD=6418],>,0) { JMP(g8) } LABEL(g9) UseItem(Big green fat fish[iD=6419]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big green fat fish[iD=6419],>,0) { JMP(g9) } LABEL(g10) UseItem(Small green treasure chest[iD=6492]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small green treasure chest[iD=6492],>,0) { JMP(g10) } LABEL(g11) UseItem(green treasure chest[iD=6493]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(green treasure chest[iD=6493],>,0) { JMP(g11) } LABEL(g12) UseItem(Big green treasure chest[iD=6494]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big green treasure chest[iD=6494],>,0) { JMP(g12) } Return() // ------------------------------------------------------- -----Jade Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-Jade) // LABEL(j1) UseItem(Small jade nimble fish[iD=6420]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small jade nimble fish[iD=6420],>,0) { JMP(j1) } LABEL(j2) UseItem(Small jade ugly fish[iD=6421]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small jade ugly fish[iD=6421],>,0) { JMP(j2) } LABEL(j3) UseItem(Small jade fat fish[iD=6422]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small jade fat fish[iD=6422],>,0) { JMP(j3) } LABEL(j4) UseItem(Jade nimble fish[iD=6423]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Jade nimble fish[iD=6423],>,0) { JMP(j4) } LABEL(j5) UseItem(Jade ugly fish[iD=6424]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Jade ugly fish[iD=6424],>,0) { JMP(j5) } LABEL(j6) UseItem(Jade fat fish[iD=6425]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Jade fat fish[iD=6425],>,0) { JMP(j6) } LABEL(j7) UseItem(Big jade nimble fish[iD=6426]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big jade nimble fish[iD=6426],>,0) { JMP(j7) } LABEL(j8) UseItem(Big jade ugly fish[iD=6427]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big jade ugly fish[iD=6427],>,0) { JMP(j8) } LABEL(j9) UseItem(Big jade fat fish[iD=6428]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big jade fat fish[iD=6428],>,0) { JMP(j9) } LABEL(j10) UseItem(Small jade treasure chest[iD=6495]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small jade treasure chest[iD=6495],>,0) { JMP(j10) } LABEL(j11) UseItem(jade treasure chest[iD=6496]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(jade treasure chest[iD=6496],>,0) { JMP(j11) } LABEL(j12) UseItem(Big jade treasure chest[iD=6497]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big jade treasure chest[iD=6497],>,0) { JMP(j12) } Return() // ------------------------------------------------------- -----Blue Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-Blue) // LABEL(b1) UseItem(Small blue nimble fish[iD=6429]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small blue nimble fish[iD=6429],>,0) { JMP(b1) } LABEL(b2) UseItem(Small blue ugly fish[iD=6430]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small blue ugly fish[iD=6430],>,0) { JMP(b2) } LABEL(b3) UseItem(Small blue fat fish[iD=6431]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small blue fat fish[iD=6431],>,0) { JMP(b3) } LABEL(b4) UseItem(Blue nimble fish[iD=6432]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Blue nimble fish[iD=6432],>,0) { JMP(b4) } LABEL(b5) UseItem(Blue ugly fish[iD=6433]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Blue ugly fish[iD=6433],>,0) { JMP(b5) } LABEL(b6) UseItem(Blue fat fish[iD=6434]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Blue fat fish[iD=6434],>,0) { JMP(b6) } LABEL(b7) UseItem(Big blue nimble fish[iD=6435]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big blue nimble fish[iD=6435],>,0) { JMP(b7) } LABEL(b8) UseItem(Big blue ugly fish[iD=6436]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big blue ugly fish[iD=6436],>,0) { JMP(b8) } LABEL(b9) UseItem(Big blue fat fish[iD=6437]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big blue fat fish[iD=6437],>,0) { JMP(b9) } LABEL(b10) UseItem(Small blue treasure chest[iD=6498]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small blue treasure chest[iD=6498],>,0) { JMP(b10) } LABEL(b11) UseItem(blue treasure chest[iD=6499]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(blue treasure chest[iD=6499],>,0) { JMP(b11) } LABEL(b12) UseItem(Big blue treasure chest[iD=6500]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big blue treasure chest[iD=6500],>,0) { JMP(b12) } Return() // ------------------------------------------------------- -----Yellow Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-Yellow) // LABEL(y1) UseItem(Small yellow nimble fish[iD=6438]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small yellow nimble fish[iD=6438],>,0) { JMP(y) } LABEL(y2) UseItem(Small yellow ugly fish[iD=6439]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small yellow ugly fish[iD=6439],>,0) { JMP(y2) } LABEL(y3) UseItem(Small yellow fat fish[iD=6440]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small yellow fat fish[iD=6440],>,0) { JMP(y3) } LABEL(y4) UseItem(Yellow nimble fish[iD=6441]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Yellow nimble fish[iD=6441],>,0) { JMP(y4) } LABEL(y5) UseItem(Yellow ugly fish[iD=6442]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Yellow ugly fish[iD=6442],>,0) { JMP(y5) } LABEL(y6) UseItem(Yellow fat fish[iD=6443]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Yellow fat fish[iD=6443],>,0) { JMP(y6) } LABEL(y7) UseItem(Big yellow nimble fish[iD=6444]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big yellow nimble fish[iD=6444],>,0) { JMP(y7) } LABEL(y8) UseItem(Big yellow ugly fish[iD=6445]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big yellow ugly fish[iD=6445],>,0) { JMP(y8) } LABEL(y9) UseItem(Big yellow fat fish[iD=6446]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big yellow fat fish[iD=6446],>,0) { JMP(y9) } LABEL(y10) UseItem(Small yellow treasure chest[iD=6501]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small yellow treasure chest[iD=6501],>,0) { JMP(y10) } LABEL(y11) UseItem(yellow treasure chest[iD=6502]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(yellow treasure chest[iD=6502],>,0) { JMP(y11) } LABEL(y12) UseItem(Big yellow treasure chest[iD=6503]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big yellow treasure chest[iD=6503],>,0) { JMP(y12) } Return() // ------------------------------------------------------- -----Orange Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-Orange) // LABEL(o1) UseItem(Small orange nimble fish[iD=6447]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small orange nimble fish[iD=6447],>,0) { JMP(o1) } LABEL(o2) UseItem(Small orange ugly fish[iD=6448]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(mall orange ugly fish[iD=6448],>,0) { JMP(o2) } LABEL(o3) UseItem(Small orange fat fish[iD=6449]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small orange fat fish[iD=6449],>,0) { JMP(o3) } LABEL(o4) UseItem(Orange nimble fish[iD=6450]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Orange nimble fish[iD=6450],>,0) { JMP(o4) } LABEL(o5) UseItem(Orange ugly fish[iD=6451]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Orange ugly fish[iD=6451],>,0) { JMP(o5) } LABEL(o6) UseItem(Orange fat fish[iD=6452]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Orange fat fish[iD=6452],>,0) { JMP(o6) } LABEL(o7) UseItem(Big orange nimble fish[iD=6453]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big orange nimble fish[iD=6453],>,0) { JMP(o7) } LABEL(o8) UseItem(Big orange ugly fish[iD=6454]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big orange ugly fish[iD=6454],>,0) { JMP(o8) } LABEL(o9) UseItem(Big orange fat fish[iD=6455]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big orange fat fish[iD=6455],>,0) { JMP(o9) } LABEL(o10) UseItem(Small orange treasure chest[iD=6504]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small orange treasure chest[iD=6504],>,0) { JMP(o10) } LABEL(o11) UseItem(orange treasure chest[iD=6505]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(orange treasure chest[iD=6505],>,0) { JMP(o11) } LABEL(o12) UseItem(Big orange treasure chest[iD=6506]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big orange treasure chest[iD=6506],>,0) { JMP(o12) } Return() // ------------------------------------------------------- -----Purple Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-Purple) // LABEL(p1) UseItem(Small Purple nimble fish[iD=6456]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small Purple nimble fish[iD=6456],>,0) { JMP(p1) } LABEL(p2) UseItem(Small Purple ugly fish[iD=6457]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small Purple ugly fish[iD=6457],>,0) { JMP(p2) } LABEL(p3) UseItem(Small Purple fat fish[iD=6458]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small Purple fat fish[iD=6458],>,0) { JMP(p3) } LABEL(p4) UseItem(Purple nimble fish[iD=6459]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Purple nimble fish[iD=6459],>,0) { JMP(p4) } LABEL(p5) UseItem(Purple ugly fish[iD=6460]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Purple ugly fish[iD=6460],>,0) { JMP(p5) } LABEL(p6) UseItem(Purple fat fish[iD=6461]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Purple fat fish[iD=6461],>,0) { JMP(p6) } LABEL(p7) UseItem(Big purple nimble fish[iD=6462]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big purple nimble fish[iD=6462],>,0) { JMP(p7) } LABEL(p8) UseItem(Big purple ugly fish[iD=6463]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big purple ugly fish[iD=6463],>,0) { JMP(p8) } LABEL(p9) UseItem(Big purple fat fish[iD=6464]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big purple fat fish[iD=6464],>,0) { JMP(p9) } LABEL(p10) UseItem(Small Purple treasure chest[iD=6507]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small Purple treasure chest[iD=6507],>,0) { JMP(p10) } LABEL(p11) UseItem(Purple treasure chest[iD=6508]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Purple treasure chest[iD=6508],>,0) { JMP(p11) } LABEL(p12) UseItem(Big Purple treasure chest[iD=6509]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big Purple treasure chest[iD=6509],>,0) { JMP(p12) } Return() // ------------------------------------------------------- -----Red Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-Red) // LABEL(r1) UseItem(Small red nimble fish[iD=6465]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small red nimble fish[iD=6465],>,0) { JMP(r1) } LABEL(r2) UseItem(Small red ugly fish[iD=6466]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small red ugly fish[iD=6466],>,0) { JMP(r2) } LABEL(r3) UseItem(Small red fat fish[iD=6467]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small red fat fish[iD=6467],>,0) { JMP(r3) } LABEL(r4) UseItem(Red nimble fish[iD=6468]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Red nimble fish[iD=6468],>,0) { JMP(r4) } LABEL(r5) UseItem(Red ugly fish[iD=6469]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Red ugly fish[iD=6469],>,0) { JMP(r5) } LABEL(r6) UseItem(Red fat fish[iD=6470]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Red fat fish[iD=6470],>,0) { JMP(r6) } LABEL(r7) UseItem(Big red nimble fish[iD=6471]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big red nimble fish[iD=6471],>,0) { JMP(r7) } LABEL(r8) UseItem(Big red ugly fish[iD=6472]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big red ugly fish[iD=6472],>,0) { JMP(r8) } LABEL(r9) UseItem(Big red fat fish[iD=6473]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big red fat fish[iD=6473],>,0) { JMP(r9) } LABEL(r10) UseItem(Small red treasure chest[iD=6510]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small red treasure chest[iD=6510],>,0) { JMP(r10) } LABEL(r11) UseItem(red treasure chest[iD=6511]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(red treasure chest[iD=6511],>,0) { JMP(r11) } LABEL(r12) UseItem(Big red treasure chest[iD=6512]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big red treasure chest[iD=6512],>,0) { JMP(r12) } Return() // ------------------------------------------------------- -----White Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-White) // LABEL(w1) UseItem(Small white nimble fish[iD=6474]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small white nimble fish[iD=6474],>,0) { JMP(w1) } LABEL(w2) UseItem(Small white ugly fish[iD=6475]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small white ugly fish[iD=6475],>,0) { JMP(w2) } LABEL(w3) UseItem(Small white fat fish[iD=6476]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small white fat fish[iD=6476],>,0) { JMP(w3) } LABEL(w4) UseItem(White nimble fish[iD=6477]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(White nimble fish[iD=6477],>,0) { JMP(w4) } LABEL(w5) UseItem(White ugly fish[iD=6478]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(White ugly fish[iD=6478],>,0) { JMP(w5) } LABEL(w6) UseItem(White fat fish[iD=6479]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(White fat fish[iD=6479],>,0) { JMP(w6) } LABEL(w7) UseItem(Big white nimble fish[iD=6480]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big white nimble fish[iD=6480],>,0) { JMP(w7) } LABEL(w8) UseItem(Big white ugly fish[iD=6481]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big white ugly fish[iD=6481],>,0) { JMP(w8) } LABEL(w9) UseItem(Big white fat fish[iD=6482]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big white fat fish[iD=6482],>,0) { JMP(w9) } LABEL(w10) UseItem(Small white treasure chest[iD=6513]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small white treasure chest[iD=6513],>,0) { JMP(w10) } LABEL(w11) UseItem(white treasure chest[iD=6514]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(white treasure chest[iD=6514],>,0) { JMP(w11) } LABEL(w12) UseItem(Big white treasure chest[iD=6515]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big white treasure chest[iD=6515],>,0) { JMP(w12) } Return() // ------------------------------------------------------- -----Black Fishes & Chests: LABEL(Open-Black) // LABEL(bl1) UseItem(Small black nimble fish[iD=6483]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small black nimble fish[iD=6483],>,0) { JMP(bl1) } LABEL(bl2) UseItem(Small black ugly fish[iD=6484]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small black ugly fish[iD=6484],>,0) { JMP(bl2) } LABEL(bl3) UseItem(Small black fat fish[iD=6485]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small black fat fish[iD=6485],>,0) { JMP(bl3) } LABEL(bl4) UseItem(Black nimble fish[iD=6486]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Black nimble fish[iD=6486],>,0) { JMP(bl4) } LABEL(bl5) UseItem(Black ugly fish[iD=6487]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Black ugly fish[iD=6487],>,0) { JMP(bl5) } LABEL(bl6) UseItem(Black fat fish[iD=6488]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Black fat fish[iD=6488],>,0) { JMP(bl6) } LABEL(bl7) UseItem(Big black nimble fish[iD=6489]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big black nimble fish[iD=6489],>,0) { JMP(bl7) } LABEL(bl8) UseItem(Big black ugly fish[iD=6490]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big black ugly fish[iD=6490],>,0) { JMP(bl8) } LABEL(bl9) UseItem(Big black fat fish[iD=6491]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big black fat fish[iD=6491],>,0) { JMP(bl9) } LABEL(bl10) UseItem(Small black treasure chest[iD=6516]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Small black treasure chest[iD=6516],>,0) { JMP(bl10) } LABEL(bl11) UseItem(black treasure chest[iD=6517]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(black treasure chest[iD=6517],>,0) { JMP(bl11) } LABEL(bl12) UseItem(Big black treasure chest[iD=6518]) CALL(Weight) ItemCount(Big black treasure chest[iD=6518],>,0) { JMP(bl12) } Return() Quote
sltbnjr Posted October 17, 2007 Posted October 17, 2007 night fishing could be done by synchronizing and calculating gametime based on the initial gametime you get on enter world Quote
meone Posted October 19, 2007 Posted October 19, 2007 Good script... I wrote almost identic by myself, but this one is better i think. Quote
swilso Posted October 19, 2007 Posted October 19, 2007 I will test a soon as my server goes up.... Where outside heine? Quote
Asa Posted October 20, 2007 Author Posted October 20, 2007 Current spot it fishes at is the 3 cornered pier thing out in the water. Its pretty simple to change the locations if you want to fish somewhere closer. --edit-- it just needs 3 locations to fish at. A path from the wh to spot1 and a path from spot3 back to the wh. --edit-- You can start it from either the fishing spot or nearby the Werehouse Keeper and it should do the rest if set up for your toon. Quote
losis Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 Thanks!!!! I were looking for fishing scripts for some time... Quote
Asa Posted October 30, 2007 Author Posted October 30, 2007 As far as I know, there is no walker command that can retrieve the current in game time. Though, I'm sure there's a packet sent and received with the /time chat command. Just need the walker coders to add the ability to differentiate the day and nighttime and set it to use or not use the type of lure accordingly. Quote
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