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Hi, i want to share with you an augment chance system, i made. I think it is only for top grade ls, only for skill(not base stat or aura), and can be added in 1 min.


Go to: net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.AugmentationData.java


There press ctrl + f and search for:

private static final int CHANCE_SKILL = 11;

Now replace 11 with: Config.AUGMENT_CHANCE, so it looks like:

private static final int CHANCE_SKILL = Config.AUGMENT_CHANCE;

Then go to net.sf.l2j.Config.java, and press ctrl+f and search for:

public static int     L2JMOD_WEDDING_DIVORCE_COSTS;

After it add:

public static int AUGMENT_CHANCE;

Now find:

L2JMOD_WEDDING_DIVORCE_COSTS            = Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("WeddingDivorceCosts", "20"));

And after is add:

AUGMENT_CHANCE		= Integer.parseInt(L2JModSettings.getProperty("AugmentChance", "11"));

Now go to java.config.l2jmods.properties, and go to the end and write:

AugmentChance = 11

Compile it and you are done. (Replace 11 with whatever chance you want it to be)


Tested, credits 100% me.


thats stupid reasons:


1.learn to use diff files

2.your share is for outdated really bad chronicle

3.100% yours?hell no the option is there in every pack except the really bad interlude ones


and by the way ls never gives aura its called AUGMENT EFFECT



thats stupid reasons:


1.learn to use diff files

2.your share is for outdated really bad chronicle

3.100% yours?hell no the option is there in every pack except the really bad interlude ones


and by the way ls never gives aura its called AUGMENT EFFECT


1st, i will make a diff file later, now i don't have time

2nd it is for l2jinterlude server, and for some -.-, interlude is awful, but for me and for some other guys in here, i am sure it is THE BEST chronicle

3rd, it is 10000000% mine, download l2jinterlude latest rev, and if you see augment chance i give you 100000000000000000euros


and sorry for augment aura, i just forgot it

That i was looking for. Thnx TheLastHero. The way you wrote it is better and more confortable for newbies to add it.

FerikOs you are right, this is best guide for niewbies, because 99% diff files will have error on eclipse, like:

Are you sure you want to aply the patch, the segments did not match.


This already exists, and we have previously told that we are not here to accept 2-strings shares.


If you are willing to help, make something useful.

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