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ghegheghe save that gif and extract all frames and you can se that she in fact always runs clockwise but when you see it as fast move you can feel that its conterclockwise ;)


I know that in real dancer runs always clockwise but even you know it you some ppl will see dancer will move clockwise while others will see conterclockwise.

Funny thing I am able to see that dancer moving in both directions (not at the same time of course) if I focus :DDDD

Are you able to do the same?


ofcourse that its depends what you want to see :] point when you can decide if it will be clockwise or conter clockwise is when she is centered smth like amplitude is in 0 and 2nd point is when her leg is in farest point from the body :P like amplitude at 1 :)


scovron you are right :D at these points it is the easiest to 'change' dancer moves :)


@NotAbastard not everybody is able to change what they can see per request. I know one guy who can't change dancer direction even one time!

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