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[Wts]The Best Interlude Pack[Updated]

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why you guys sell this data packs We all here sharing files ! just make some good pack and share ! thats the job at here lol :D

im not answering to spam post's ! anyway use your free projects and free pack's but you should know that some ppl want to create serious server !

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so? they are not serious example 17Heroes or l2 dubai the only serious there is raidfight :x


for god sake when i say serious i dont mean low rate pf

i mean that wannabes like you open servers for max 1 month with lot of problems.

and they close it finally !

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Balance Classes


Tell me how you managed to do this perfectly in IL and I'll bow to you.


All NPE's Fixed


There are no standard NPEs to be fixed.

NPEs are just caused by the stupidity of some "Developers".


EDIT: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=130786.0

Why do I see lots of similarities between those two 'packs' ?

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the fixes of la2base pack.. i mean they have translated at english ?

Its L2J?

its not la2base pack. but all those that i c/p are fixed on that pack.

this pack is based on l2jarchid and reworked.

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