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stop with keylogers find something better to do...screw software dmg and search about hardware ok if u send keyloger the victim can do format and its ok or if u kill some dlls its simple to fix it.or just find a virus for rom with this can kill motherboards etc just search and i have hear its undetectable :) its new virus type

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your guys refer to remote keylogger not just ordinary ones...those are accesible from another computer and can be a real heart-breaker for a newb on software or a low-protected comp.

remote keylogger dont exist its remote admin tool ,backdoor this makes a server on root and u can be admin on victim pc i give one link but u need to know activeX,ports etc

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there are keyloggers, not as viruses, but as normal programs, they dont hurt yuor PC

a keylogger use ports like(80,25,53) use winsock (windows socket) so we got slowly internet connection and use a lot of memory to hold keystrokes and after send it back we got a lot of lag,crashes posible and errors and we dont talk about network keyloggin,spying.Its different

i think to make a virus its very easy but a trojan/backdoor its more harder than virus

u can make a virus with a simple *.bat

Its if u wanna make keylogger,trojan,remoteadmintool u must know about winsock programming packets over ip etc

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