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1 of my pc`s @ home got raped by l2dex staff

i cant login cuz it say "access failed , please try again later"

my accounts are not banned and i made a small test...1 friend logged a char and i logged the same account and it sayd account already in use...therefor i think its not ip ban since i can disconect him

if its not ip ban what is it?

im guessing on hardware ban like hard disk or other components or even windows serial

looking for suggestions

thx in advance


i was guessing it was hardware ban

any posibility of change`ing id(s)?

i tryed on hard disk with a program : "HardDiskSerialNumberChanger" i changed and still nothing

any ideeas? :|


Even though you did kinda "insult"me  on the other thread where you requested help in I still offer my support:


my idea is that you shouldnt use ingame/login name on cheaterforums

I suspect it because well who would make  a sig extra for maxcheaters with a th on it



your mac adress could have been banned, your hdd serial  your oem number or your ip


Do you have a external or 2nd hdd?(not 2nd partition on same hdd)

if yes put hb client there  delete the system folder redownload it with updater and try to start the game


If that doesnt work->

install vmware ->install windows xp or some shit on it-> copy hellbound client inside and try to run the game from there


if that doesnt work->try to change your mac adress :)


if that doesnt work -> change your ip if you can or try to log over proxy (battleping.com?)


if that doesnt work?

you are -beep-ed XD


i just say what`s on my mind i dont insult...:|

and i got nothing to hide especilly my sig ....

my windows was reinstalled by 2 times already...diferent serials..:|

dont know if my mac is banned or my ip and prolly not...since 1 friend logged 1 char and i could delog him from that account telling me "account already in use" this means i could connect but it was busy....but im not sure...

my hdd serial hmm...i try`ed to change hdd serial by "HardDiskSerialNumberChanger" i changed / rr pc/ same thing dont work (access failed)

dont have 2nd hard drive just got 1 :|

i already installed VMware player/installed winxp on it/i copy`ed HB client/but problems with video driver of vmware(vmware svga II) downloaded smthing by the net and still nothing (message in device status : code 10) this is the reason l2 dont start in VMware...

changing mac address...crap...i already fucked up 1 pc doing that...(looking for tutorial?) dont wanna repeat the sh1t again

and im on basic ip gathered automaticly from the modem...w/o isp authorisation i cant change ip but i can try by proxy...(looking for tutorial)

prolly im beeped as u sayd... :|


sh1t im using VMware Player....should i move to workstation?

or u know how to do it there also?

i tryed to install vmtools on vmware player but still vmware svga II has a problem...


since i could not login

i formated pc/reinstalled new windows(diferent versions/serials)/put a new lan card

anything else?

what did they ban? the UTP cable? wtf i cant understand


reinstalled VMware workstation+VMtools

i can log l2 succesfully but

the lags by VM is insane

i saw VMware is using diferent ip`s/physical address/gateway/dns everything is changed

my question is...if VMware is change`ing network adresses like i sayd its also change`ing hardware id`s?

cuz if VMware does not change hardware id`s this means my main problem is network ban? or ip ban?

also let me say it again : without VMware i could disconnect someone from his account try`ing to log it but after i dc him i could not log it say`ing ( acces failed, please try again later ) is it ip ban? gateway ban? dns ban? or hardware ban?

looking forward for a answer

so i`ll know what to do next....

thx in advance


reinstalled VMware workstation+VMtools

i can log l2 succesfully but

the lags by VM is insane

i saw VMware is using diferent ip`s/physical address/gateway/dns everything is changed

my question is...if VMware is change`ing network adresses like i sayd its also change`ing hardware id`s?

cuz if VMware does not change hardware id`s this means my main problem is network ban? or ip ban?

also let me say it again : without VMware i could disconnect someone from his account try`ing to log it but after i dc him i could not log it say`ing ( acces failed, please try again later ) is it ip ban? gateway ban? dns ban? or hardware ban?

looking forward for a answer

so i`ll know what to do next....

thx in advance


if you get acces failed all the time something from your hardware is banned imo not ip

VmWare will use same ip to make external connection


You menitoned that you reinstalled os and that you even changed network card to  go around the ban

If thats true then only option left is hdd ban and that  the harddiskserial changer doesnt work

Not sure but i guess that vmware creats a virtual hdd for itself resulting  in having a fake hardware hdd serial?


Anyways maybe some other ppl can give their opinions



P.s.:If you have no other options you can "boost" the hardware vm ware uses On default it only uses 1 gig ram etc of your comp

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