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[Guide] Flash Guide: how to use DWARF CRAFT at l2walker


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Flash guide: how to use Dwarf CRAFT at l2walker


Manytimes people ask me how to use l2walker to CRAFT STUFF at lineage2, so i did this flash guide.




Resolution: 640x480


date: 10/10/2007






Old flash tuto:

Flash guide: how to use chat options on l2walker




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They certainly are the best at bumping threads that have been useless since like c3


sltbnjr: I did this guide for interlude (C5), i think still works in new lineage II versions (CT1/Gracia).


But jvoloski is wrong, Brazilians aren't the best. This is a multi-nationality forum, where people from all countries share they knowledge to other people. 90% of Brazilians are a poor and LAZZY people . I know this because i was born and i live here for 34 years, and i don't have pride for my poor Country. Yes Brazil is the best country of the World, but i can't tell the same about the Brazilian people :(



Best Regards for all nationalities on forum,



PS. May the Moderator delete jvoloski post, because is a post without relation with the topic. Thanks.

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Make one for farm too, ppl never check:

- when they die res/logout/go back to town

- when  pet dies, res it and not walk through it...

- don't take other ppls mobs

- some AI answers ;D

- and so many stupid mistakes....


Who don't know how to craft, don't use walker.

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