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I just make a simple but usefull code for getting a reward one player if votes in hopzone. It requires some special knowledge so please if your are don't have this knowledge just leave it.Or if you want you download it and search for yourself. My logo: Searching and learning!!


Informations: You have to install script in the l2j server, and the php + ado in your webserver, then acces to it from any web browser and every two minutes votes will be downloaded from hz and added to a table.

Inside the game, the player talks to an npc and receives his price (change it on the script).


It contains All script files , html files , npc.sql and hopzone table for your sql (hz_votes.sql) where downloads and restores the vote points.


You can download it from  Here


Enjoy.  :D


I think not shared with .py file. Only as a Java Mod. Anyway.If there is allready shared please lock or do what ever you think right :)


Already Share, w/o java too,

BTW illigal for hopzones


It is not illegal. Illegal it is if you make a reward system and delete the vote banners from your site. They say " I advertise you.You have to do the same think" So if you keep the vote banners and tell to your players to vote sometimes from their banners it is not illegal.And another solution is to put a redirect link in hopzone when they vote from your reward point system. Trust me on this.


It is not illegal. Illegal it is if you make a reward system and delete the vote banners from your site. They say " I advertise you.You have to do the same think" So if you keep the vote banners and tell to your players to vote sometimes from their banners it is not illegal.And another solution is to put a redirect link in hopzone when they vote from your reward point system. Trust me on this.

serks server was banned from hopzone for using vote system,

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