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[Freestyle Battle] Lets play


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this world suck as it has a dumb

he's barac obama with a large gamma

he can't do a shit for the singer pink

she got some drugs and meet a god

she talked to jesus about a linux

there is no hope to get a solve

world is faked by a damn god

his name is Grisom and killing the some idiots

godpower is crying for a mod flying

some kids said they are leaving

too bad we are still singing

ED is back as an yellow ass

Raule is crazy with his damn rappie

Seth can code a fakin dog

Cyote can lock an ugly doll

i miss Dream as a smiteboy

no matter we gonna have ventic boy

im Erol fellows the pokemon shiny yellow



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SoFaKi just rocks with the cute pink

it wouldnt be awesome if i was Green?

yeah i felt sorry about the leaving of DreaM

but what we would do we keep on the rythm

some rhymes here are not even worth to be at my recycle bin >.>

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SoFaKi just rocks with the cute pink

it wouldnt be awesome if i was Green?

yeah i felt sorry about the leaving of DreaM

but what we would do we keep on the rythm

some rhymes here are not even worth to be at my recycle bin >.>

i can beat ya easy, too bad im busy

go back to client modding, you're far away from spam modding

we gonna make a group, wanna join the room?

we gonna sing as crazy, but i'm a bit lazy

i guess we missing a lovely mything



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Like a lion i make my presence noticed

To the stand out from the crowd here at maxcheaters

Trying hardly to not making fool of my self,

While you all stare amazed.



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