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How should I Apply to be a Spam Member ?

helping spam section to get more activity. Creating good topics where we can pass our free time or getting useful infos. (not creating multiple tooics with the intention just to have lot of topics there). being on daily and as much as you can.



Spam Topics 737 i can join in team?

just because you have 737 posts does not mean you must enter?

every1 wants to enter and the group can't have all maxcheaters members.



Spam Topics 737 i can join in team?

just keep up staying along with us. post a lot. important is the activity, stay on as much as you can. Also forum by spam members must be visit daily.

Everyone is welcomed.


I have it from shop not from a member (you can check my karma log ) :P

Go make shares and win +1 karma and done.:P

Go make shares and win +1 karma and done.:P

he didn't got dekarmed for any reason. It's just from shop.


Maxtor add and rule:

You Must don't have -1karma or less.


Why care so much about karma? It's just a number, nothing more nothing less.

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