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[Kamael L2J] L2 Galaxy [PvP,Stuck Sub,RPG]


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after i put in the system textures patch and the system folder patch.. i get crit errors starting up the L2.exe client. Never starts up..


on the site it was a little confusing.. saying after i put in the system patch, THEN put in the L2.ini file? what does that mean? the L2.ini file is IN the system patch already!


does not mention the system textures patch either.. so i dunno. I can only get on the bartz server.


here is the crit error:


Assertion failed: InPos<=Size [File:..\..\Core\Inc\FFileManagerWindows.h] [line: 185]


History: FArchiveFileReader::Seek <- ULinkerLoad::Seek <- TLazyArray<< <- FMipmap<< <- SerializeMips <- UTexture::Serialize <- LoadObject <- (Texture LineageMonstersTex.death_knight.death_knight_t00 99687303==99687303/133323875 99686137 132383) <- ULinkerLoad::Preload <- PreLoadObjects <- UObject::EndLoad <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- (Engine.Texture LineageMonstersTex.Death_Knight_T00 NULL) <- UOrcMove::CalculateCRC32 <- UGameEngine::Init <- InitEngine


if anyone can solve this problem.. i owe u one.

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delete the system you have and put the system that the galaxyl2 has ... then take all things that systextures has .. from the patch and open systextures ( your cliend ) and put inside the .utx files ! then go at the system / l2.exe and play !

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deleted system folder.. put in the L2galaxy system folder.. deleted files contained in the system textures folder from L2galaxy. Put in Both patches.


still = crit error.


Client is up to date.. Like i said, i can log into the bartz server when i do a full check of files and put in the hosts file. But i cant log into the kain server (stuck sub) becuase the files create the crit error.

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deleted system folder.. put in the L2galaxy system folder.. deleted files contained in the system textures folder from L2galaxy. Put in Both patches.


still = crit error.


Client is up to date.. Like i said, i can log into the bartz server when i do a full check of files and put in the hosts file. But i cant log into the kain server (stuck sub) becuase the files create the crit error.

if you cant play just wait we will upload a new patch and maybe the old characters will deleted


the server will be x 5000  safe enchant +15 max +20(beta face in enchanting)

with epic weapons and dark epic knight armors(thanks to Pyro Maker)


and epic wings + custom masks





Mask Of Charity

Mask Of Charity Gives You +250 M. def and +250 P. def(2k medals)


Mask Of Paladin

Mask Of Paladin Gives You +500 P. Def(2,5k medals)


Mask Of Necromancer

Mask Of Necromancer Gives You +500 M. Def(2,5k medals)



Epic Wings


Eva's Wings(2k medals)

Eva's Wings Gives You +1000 Hp And +1000 Mp


Angel Wings(2k medals)

Angel Wings Gives You The Ability To Fly With +15 Speed


Fallen Angel Wings(2k medals)

Fallen Angel Wings Gives You +200 M. Atack


Chaos Wings(2k medals)

Chaos Wings Gives You +200 P. Atack


Succubus Wings(2,5k medals)

Succubus Wings Gives You +150 M Atack and 100 P. def


Gargoyle Wings(2,5k medals)

Gargoyle Wings Gives You +150 P. Atack and 100 M. def


Netherworld Wings(2,5k medals)

Netherworld Wings Gives You +300 P. def +300 M. def


just wait ;)



Human Element(cant log in with my account..i dont remember the pass Oo)

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yea.. sounds like they are updating the kain servers rates to 5000x


pvp server and rpg server are different rates (obviously)


ill wait for the new update to the patch. Hopefully it will work after its done.

-thx Thanos

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yea.. sounds like they are updating the kain servers rates to 5000x


pvp server and rpg server are different rates (obviously)


ill wait for the new update to the patch. Hopefully it will work after its done.

-thx Thanos


They will im waiting for them to be applied so i can test them GJ Demo you're teh ultimate pwnz0r

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