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EDIT:  Nothing is working that I've tried.  I need a 1.5.1.xx copy of aion that will actually run.


I've tried reading some topics, people got the problem resolved and never posted the damn resolution. -.-


Commodus made a great tutorial on setting up a server, did that, au ls and gs run fine.  Problem is I cannot connect with the client, and why? Because my version surpassed and was at and there's no tutorials on downpatching except the obvious, delete this and that.


Tried deleting the bin32, but what am I supposed to do after that... oh wait, let's see, let it repair/patch up... tried that, but it doesn't stop in between, it continue's on. 


I need a clean ready to localhost connect method. 


Please don't give me a link to download 9-10 gigs of crap.  That stuff doesn't work, I have the collector's edition disks, yes I support the game, killing time waiting on expansion. 


fyyre's no ip fix works with the launch.bat I have.  Problem is, because my version won't go inbetween, i'm stuck in limbo as I can't find any files that will just fix it.



  • 5 weeks later...

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